Maieka Joriss



2 years, 8 months ago



Maieka Joriss

  • DESIGNER Greekykino
  • VERSE Homestuck
  • Planet Alternia
  • Moon Derse
  • classpect Knight of Heart
  • AGE 20-24 (years)
  • BIRTHDAy 3/6/2001
  • PRONOUNS She/Her
  • RACE Troll
  • Pesterchum tag tacitArmament
  • Sign/symbol see refrence
  • BLOOD color Indigo blood
  • Height 6'2
  • Occupation Personal body guard
  • Hobby Haha toilet sim game go brrr
  • Quads/Relationships? None/Single
  • orientation Demi

Typing quirk

Maieka uses proper punctuation and capitlization when typing. Its noted she gives very direct and to the point messages though can also still come off very easy going. She only types a lot more when she's speaking of something she's deeply passionate about. She replaces "L's" with "[" and "C's" with "(". She also starts off all her sentences either with "B/" or an arrow symbol.

Maieka can be found using the following expressions: " :/ "," -.- "," @- "


Nulla semper neque et odio eleifend, a tempor risus finibus. Suspendisse congue arcu quis ipsum mollis vestibulum. Donec dapibus nisi a ultrices condimentum. In velit lacus, laoreet non dui et, pretium mattis ligula. Maecenas metus enim, congue vitae dolor eu, vulputate vehicula dolor. Maecenas vestibulum magna a mi ullamcorper vehicula. Fusce justo massa, placerat at malesuada non, rutrum sed elit. Suspendisse posuere auctor eros, ut molestie nibh imperdiet sit amet. Aliquam vitae libero erat. Vestibulum aliquet felis id dui vehicula, id rutrum urna aliquam. Curabitur ullamcorper eros turpis, quis dignissim diam varius eu. In tristique odio felis, sit amet vehicula quam dapibus eget. Ut dictum ante id nibh semper, sit amet semper lacus congue.

Etiam pretium ultricies tortor, a vestibulum odio auctor vel. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum at turpis eget lectus efficitur rhoncus id et mauris. Nunc et arcu condimentum, eleifend odio blandit, fringilla dolor. Vestibulum dignissim ornare lectus, pellentesque egestas tortor. Integer non diam congue, rutrum eros nec, rutrum ipsum. Ut ac placerat diam. Praesent et condimentum libero, et ornare nulla.


Praesent id nisi at nisi pellentesque cursus ut eget sapien. Praesent consectetur commodo sem at sagittis. Donec in molestie velit. Quisque viverra quis nibh vel commodo. Donec feugiat cursus massa, ac pretium ligula tempor eu. Integer eget nisi mattis, lacinia ligula aliquam, imperdiet lorem. Vestibulum ac rutrum neque. Sed ullamcorper elit at felis maximus consequat. Vivamus fringilla, nisi eu ornare dictum, lectus felis blandit lectus, et tempor arcu dui nec nisi. Etiam quam elit, venenatis sit amet lorem quis, tempus ultrices leo. Integer mattis eleifend velit in facilisis.

Cras cursus, dolor id tempus rhoncus, nunc risus luctus tellus, vel euismod sem ex sit amet augue. Sed convallis ipsum ac nisl dignissim eleifend. Aliquam consequat odio id ligula egestas consectetur. Morbi tincidunt odio a augue eleifend pellentesque. Morbi blandit porta augue, ac semper est. Nunc condimentum, sem ac sagittis ullamcorper, lorem massa suscipit dolor, aliquam vehicula justo arcu ut elit. Suspendisse suscipit pretium dui vitae lacinia.

Duis tincidunt id nisl et elementum. Pellentesque dolor ex, iaculis non iaculis quis, fringilla id nunc. Aliquam tincidunt erat quis metus venenatis volutpat. Ut vulputate molestie consectetur. Sed maximus rhoncus diam, eu pulvinar est porta eu. Integer imperdiet porta mi vitae gravida. Quisque nec euismod sapien. Donec dapibus leo in pellentesque dapibus. Cras malesuada vehicula nisi euismod interdum. Donec ipsum purus, vehicula sollicitudin rutrum nec, vestibulum vitae risus. Nullam sed aliquam est. Curabitur ultrices, odio bibendum hendrerit ultricies, eros enim luctus libero, a malesuada turpis leo vel felis. Ut at enim sed diam tincidunt blandit. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris eget nisi nec ligula ultrices accumsan vitae at dui.


Mauris nec dui tellus. Nullam est purus, bibendum in odio ac, tempus ultrices mi. Nunc venenatis sem et felis dictum, quis sagittis turpis molestie. Maecenas odio felis, laoreet ac viverra sed, egestas at leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi mollis porttitor risus nec congue. Proin sit amet lorem posuere, congue mi a, lacinia nulla. Pellentesque sit amet eros dapibus, interdum odio eget, aliquam diam. In eleifend lacus ut tellus pulvinar rhoncus. Suspendisse quis risus mauris. Etiam a neque eu ligula hendrerit pellentesque vitae eu nibh. Nam risus libero, cursus eget eros sit amet, blandit maximus nisl. Sed eget consequat lorem.

Praesent ultricies lectus non magna pretium, nec blandit erat viverra. Maecenas at dolor eu libero eleifend volutpat. Praesent efficitur viverra ante nec sagittis. Phasellus in gravida risus, sed dictum sapien. Quisque non massa eget lacus dignissim gravida vel a est. Sed lectus justo, laoreet vel odio ut, vulputate malesuada leo. Phasellus blandit tempor sollicitudin. Morbi imperdiet iaculis elit, porttitor volutpat leo consequat nec. Fusce et urna et metus congue scelerisque. Morbi a est sed ipsum dignissim venenatis id at ante. Duis luctus fringilla porta.


  • Silly simple games, things that don't require as much thought process so she can destress from her job.
  • Investigating any sort of mystery cases and watching mystery movies/shows
  • Spicy food
  • Acting, Mostly watching it but used to want to act herself
  • Drama


  • Being proven wrong, not guessing something right
  • Being left in the dark in most situations
  • Anyone trash talking any of the actors she admires
  • Bright lights
  • "Pink...fuzzy..stuff... It's just not her style..."


  • other: none
  • Pitch: none
  • Pale: none
  • flushed: none
  • ashens: none


  • dosn't move around too much, stands in one spot often
  • most of the time holds her security guard sorta "i WILL beat you up" stance, even when not on the job
  • Always speaks in a leveled and authorative manner
  • Constantly fixing/pushing shades up on face and doing double checks that it's still there
  • Tents to stand close to those she's protective of. Additionally if that person has a weak or blind spot she will specically stand on that side of them to protect it.


  • Can work well with others and has lots of experiance with tolerating even the most annoying figures when madatory
  • Is extremely perceptive
  • Is pretty much a walking tank, buff lady
  • Has plenty of fighting experience
  • Free Therapy without the Therapy


  • Her own experiences can blind her sometimes, Since she has a lot of experiences in terms of knowing how others act and how to fight, sometimes she can get too cocky.
  • Can get very lost within her own passions and intrests, to the point she forgets about other things.
  • If it's not absolutely mandatory, if she DOES dislike you she will NOT work with you.
  • If she doesn't see you as a threat she will not fight you
  • If she ends up guessing wrong on how something turns out she might end up acting frantic or irrational


  • Due to having worn her shades a lot mostly for the sake of her job she has grown sensitive to bright lights and now genuinely needs to use the glasses.
  • The person she works for is actually a really famous troll she looked up to when she was younger.
  • Her tactoo actually is there to cover up a birthmark. In that general area of her body the pigmentation is a lot lighter than how it should be
  • Maieka actually ends up putting on a lotta makeup to hide any small signs of her true bloodcaste.
  • Yes she can absolutely run in those highheels and boy is it terrifying.
Code by AviCode