Kandi's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

GrubbyTrico Global Rules
[⚫] My designs CAN NOT leave toyhouse! (Please lol) They must always belong to a user that owns a toyhouse unless stated otherwise. Design can not be sold for $ more than it was bought for (same goes for equal value in art if character was bought through art trade) IF it has no other arts. [⚫ ] If the original character image has my GrubbyTrico watermark on it, please leave it there unless you have your own unique watermark [⚫] Please do not hoard a design of mine, if your not going to use it please attempt to get rid of ii [⚫] Feel free to @ me in art of your character (that is ofc my design) I'd love to see <3 [⚫️] Do NOT use my designs in zoophilia/feral 🌽, racist, homophonic, transphobic, bullying related art. You will be openly blacklisted and blocked. [⚫] Thanks for reading ❤