Carousel Man



2 years, 7 months ago


Creature that appeared in an abandoned amusement park. Unable to  vocalize coherent speech, he makes utterances of screeches akin to a  scared horse. He stands at 6'10". Able to run on both two legs and also  on all fours, with the spike of the pole able to dig into the ground and leave a trail of a material similar to the pulsating flesh of his neck.  The Fiberglass false horse head hides a vein-y, writhing mass that while inherently formless, is able to take the shape of a small  distorted foal head.

His main residence in the park is taken up at the defunct titular  carousel, where he poses motionlessly among the other inanimate horses.  The Carousel Man becomes active and hunts down anyone who enters the  gates of the park, however he does not pursue if they manage to leave  grounds. His persistence and agitation is dependent on how far in  someone is in the park, as his ride is centered in the heart of it. It  seems as if he is protective of it the most. If the Carousel Man manages  to capture an intruder, he will proceed to impale them on the spike end  of the pole embedded through his back, appearing as if he is embracing  them.