Naty Ñata (Copper)



1 year, 8 months ago


Naty Ñata


Basic Information

Name Naty Ñata
Nickname/Alias None
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 21
Species Human
Orientation Lesbian


—Naty Ñata

Naty Ñata was literally born to party. Her purpose in life, she believes, is to party with as many people as possible. To most, this may appear to be a reckless lifestyle, but Naty feels a party is a sacred human tradition that should be practiced generously.

Unofficial mascot of Chickadde1.


Height: 5'8" / Weight: 149 lb / Eye Color: Plum / Hair color: Multicolor

Physical Appearance

Naty is a tall, attractive woman who exudes a festive demeanor. She has a beautiful hourglass figure with a large bust and generous curves. Her plum-colored purple eyes are usually accompanied by a cheerful expression on her face. Naty is best known for her outlandish hair, which has the color and shape of a piñata.


Naty's main costume is a black leotard with a rainbow pattern of shapes resembling those found in bowling alleys. Naty pairs her leotard with solid black thigh high stockings, a black belt with an orange and yellow clasp, and leg warmers that are the same color and style as her hair. Blue inline skates with orange wheels are her preferred footwear. Naty also favors a solid blue overcoat that she drapes loosely across her shoulders. Two orange clips with a yellow spiral are her hair decorations.

Design Notes

  • Naty's hair and move in the same way that natural hair does, and her "ears" move in the same way as animal ears do.
  • She has/does not have human ears (TBD).
  • Her streamers are a part of her hair, they must always be drawn.
  • Her orange hair clips are optional to draw.


Naty is a girl who can brighten up a room with her presence. She radiates a contagious positive energy that is impossible to ignore and is guaranteed to lift one's spirits. Naty is always mindful of others, for example, mimicking their tolerance levels, for example, mirroring their tolerance levels despite the fact that her own is two or three times higher than the average person's. She simply wants to ensure that everyone in her vicinity is having a good time, and she will go to any length to ensure that everyone is enjoying themselves as much as possible.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa.
  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
  • Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa.
  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
  • Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui.


From a young age, Naty displayed an interest in dance and music. Her first extracurricular activity was dance class, but quickly got overwhelmed and dropped out. She tried choir next, but showed little interest in singing. Naty moved her attention to music, and the first instrument she learned to play was the keyboard. Upon learning this skill however, Naty mostly ended up playing the keyboard for herself or close friends, as most school bands typically didn't need a keyboard player.

Naty was encouraged by her parents to broaden her options beyond the keyboard and synth instruments, but this caused conflict as Naty was stubborn, and only wanted to play what made her happy, which was electronic music. Naty kept up her keyboard playing until college, eventually realizing that she had an interest in mixing music, rather than singing or playing instruments. Initially, Naty was in school to be a sound engineering, and became extremely proficient in sound mixing. After graduation Naty was hired to be an audio engineer for well-known entertainment studio. To her parents' dismay, she left her job after only a month to pursue her real passion: DJ-ing.



After hearing just one song, Naty fell in love with Gumi's voice and has been a fan of hers ever since. She also became attracted to Gumi on a physical level. Naty met Gumi backstage after a concert one day and confessed her love. Gumi initially turned down Naty's confession because she didn't want her tour schedule to interfere with her personal life. Although she felt heartbroken, Naty continued to support her number one idol. After several months of reflection, Gumi realized some love and romance was missing from her life, so she decided to accept Naty's confession. The two eventually became a proper couple.


  • Naty's surname, Ñata, is derived from the word "piñata".
  • Naty's CV (character voice), Megumi Nakajima, is also the voice provider for Gumi.
  • Despite the fact that too much sugar is bad for humans, Naty can survive on sweet foods like candy, cakes, and other delicacies.
    • Chewy candy, such as taffy or gum, are her favorites.
  • She tans effortlessly.
  • Even though work can be less consistent at times, Naty is much more happier working as a DJ, than at her studio job.
    • Despite having a stable income, Naty's parents do not think being a DJ is a real job.
  • Her favorite anime is D4DJ.


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