

2 years, 6 months ago






december 10th

cis male



196 lbs




  • night
  • the ocean
  • vodka
  • car rides

  • sleeping
  • roses
  • hiking
  • blackjack

  • he doesnt get cold very often
  • his name (shion) means 'aster'
  • he often wears heels to seem taller
  • he has an amazing poker face










  • perceptive
  • outgoing
  • charming
  • considerate

  • stubborn
  • short-tempered
  • closed-off
  • materialistic

Shion is very flashy and loves to be in the limelight, which naturally attracts many others to him. However, once he meets someone he instantly judges them, and based off of that judgement is either charming or incredibly rude and dismissive. Due to this, he has many shallow relationships, as the ones he charm eventually tire of the strong surface-level front he presents, and the ones he dismisses typically don't try to pursue him any longer.

He highly values close and important relationships, but has very few and this is how he likes it. It takes a lot of effort to convince him to open up emotionally, and even then he is usually blunt and snide about it. He is very afraid of being hurt emotionally by someone he cares for.

If there is someone or something he's passionate about, he will be willing to stand up for it no matter what.

He also knows exactly what he wants, and itsn't afraid to ask for it. Compromise doesn't come easily, and he always wants it to be his way or not at all.

Shion also enjoys the finer things in life and it comes across in many aspects of his life- he loves designer clothes, expensive jewelry, and the priciest meal on the menu at a high-class restaurant. More often than not, he can find someone willing to pay for these things, and has no problem swiping someone else's credit cards.



Shion grew up in a rich family as an only child, and never wanted for much. Anything he wanted, he had, and was enrolled into a nice private school for his education. However, his parents were always distant and formal, and more often than not were away on business trips. They never paid him much mind, and he was left mostly to his own devices.

He began acting out in order to receive attention from anyone who was paying attention. Getting in trouble at school didn't deter him, and he only stopped when the school contacted his parents and they for once reacted- screaming at him, angry with him for daring to tarnish the family name when they had given him everything he could ever need or want.

After that incident, he quieted down so as not to cross his parents again. However, he did learn to gain attention in a new way- by using his charm to gain friends.

teenage years

Upon reaching high school, Shion's act of charm continued, and he maintained his popular status. During high school, he met his first boyfriend. Their relationship went amazingly at first, but Shion eventually noticed his boyfriend pulling away and growing distant, which only made him try to gain his attention more and more.

They frequented parties, and at one such party his boyfriend continued to feed him alcohol until he was significantly wasted. Eventually, they got into an argument over something small, but because Shion was so heavily intoxicated the argument escalated and he got louder, making a scene.

His boyfriend grew angry over the situation and slapped him across the face before leaving the house, and Shion was left wondering what had just happened. After that night, they reconciled and got back together, but the situation only worsened.

Shion kept desperately trying to prove himself to no avail, and once high school had finished and they were heading off to their respective colleges, his boyfriend ended the relationship no matter how much Shion begged him not to.


Shion currently works a night job at a club, where he gets plenty of tips to make it worth his while. He also spends most of his off-days at the club, socialiizing and attempting to find people who might be willing to have any form of relationship with him.

He has been mostly unsuccessful so far, and considers himself a burnout as he isn't using his college degree for anything worthwhile and doesnt have anyone to spend time with outside of work. Lately he's taken to sitting in the corner at the bar and quietly watching the crowds as the nights go on.


ANGELOS relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie. Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in.

NATHANIEL relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie. Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in.

ROWAN relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie. Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in.


  • head belt not optional
  • spine is external
  • outfit can be changed
  • please use correct skintone