


6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Tasman
Nickname: Tassie
Gender: Male
Species: Tasmanian devil
Age: 19
Height: 5 foot 6
Occupation: Online student

Tassie is a very laid back individual, more concerned with simple day-to-day pleasures than big plans for the future. Easily distracted by things in the present, he tends to lock onto whatever is in front of him, at the expense of whatever else is going on around him. He tends to forgot important information and instead remember minor details, though he doesn't let this bother him much despite the frustrations it causes.


Likes and dislikes-
Spicy food
Looking under rocks
Hearty meals
His brothers
Sitting still
Moving slowly
Being ignored
Being flirted with
Long lectures

Born to a young mother who gave him up for adoption, Tassie has never met his bio parents but loves his foster parents dearly. He has two twin younger brothers (adopted from a different family) that he gets along with very well and loves spending time with. He had difficulty succeeding in school as well as making friends, but was able to eventually graduate. He's continuing his schooling online while he helps out around the house and looks after his brothers.

.Went to the same school as Sheep, never talked to her while he was there but became friends after he kept running into her at the convenience store where she works
.Owns an online blog that no one reads where he sporadically writes about his opinions and daily going ons
.Likely has ADHD but was never diagnosed