


2 years, 7 months ago



Deimos māvora

"Dethroned Tyrant Prince"

age 5 Years

gender Male - he/him

height 2.4 ft - 0.75 m

weight 80 lbs - 36 kg

species Siberian Laika x Groenendael

mutations (1) gold-colored nails

God Connection Yngvi


rank skuta - guard/warden


Sexuality: Pansexual

Scent: Orange Blossom, Stone Fruit

Pros: Loyal; Willful; Instinctual; Ambitious; Passionate
Cons: Prideful; Untrusting; Shallow; Cold hearted

Likes: Power; Summer evenings; Fruit
Dislikes: Weakness; Authority


Deimos is a prideful canine and truly believes in the divine rite of his progeny to rule over others. He desires power, both internally and over others. He knows how to rule over others in the tyrannical sense and before being overthrown by his younger siblings he'd been an incredibly successful monarch. He despises weakness, both in himself and in others and strives to constantly improve himself and his skills with the ultimate goal of one day assembling and ruling over his own pack. He doesn't enjoy being subordinate, but so long as his leaders are powerful and rule in a way that is in line with his beliefs.

Generally he is an untrusting canine. Everyone is capable of lying and thus he only trusts actions that he can see and witness, rarely taking others at their word. At his worst he is subject to bouts of paranoia, believing others are out to usurp him. There is little that can be done to regain his trust considering his closest friends - his brother and sister - overthrew his rule. Due to this experience he has incredibly good instincts for bullshit. It is very hard to trick him or betray him. In his life it is kill or be killed and an eye for an eye. However he also believes that loyalty should be rewarded, as should honestly and transparency. 

He is a very hot tempered man, quickly resorting to confrontation both verbal and physical. However, if the latter, he is quick to retreat should he feel he is at a disadvantage. His sense of self-preservation is very strong and thus he does not believe himself to be cowardly in such actions. He fears dying too young or before he has realized his goals. To this end he is very willful, acting deliberately and with purpose more often than not. 

Socially Deimos is an agreeable man to be around, happy to converse with those around him. Anyone he connects with and deems trustworthy can count on Deimos as an unwavering friend. He offers loyalty and his services so long as he gets the same in return. He believes that he can only rise to power with the right sorts of people around him that he can trust and lean on. He desires a mate and a family of his own, wanting to father strong and capable offspring to take up the mantle of their forebears. 

Air Manipulation

Gale Guard – The air directly above his body moves at hurricane speeds, protecting him from incoming attacks. He cannot use this ability and attack simultaneously, especially not with his sword.

Wind Walk – By concentrating powerful blasts of air from his paws, he can move at incredibly high speeds.


Starfall Blade – This short sword is made from meteoritic iron and has been passed down through his family line as a symbol of their status as royalty. The first born always receives the sword upon the death of the previous wielder.

Cape – This short cape is made of soft black fabric, trimmed in gold, featuring a double twist motif. Black leather cording secures the cape around his chest and the base of his tail. Beneath the cape lies a small harness that houses his shortblade. 

Wristlets – Metal and gold wristlets bearing the same double twist motif as his cape. These are mostly aesthetic, but may provide some protection against attacks.


The Māvora Clan have ruled the Ohllypian Dynasty for generations, with most monarchs acting with benevolence and generosity. Beloved by their subjects for treating all with respect and equity; never asking anything that they would not do themselves. Deimos, the first born, and only whelp in his litter, of his parents Jezero and Minerva, was destined through cosmic birthright, to one day wield his mother's sword, Starfall, and rule the Goldthorn Clan. His younger sisters, Rhea and Aenia, were always more level-headed than their fiery brother and tried their best to influence him towards a more benevolent disposition. Unfortunately his ambition and temper won out, creating a restless and power-hungry young man.

When he was very young, a pair of parentless pups were found and adopted into the pack. One of them, Daphne, was quickly identified as an excellent choice as a future wife for Deimos. His parents could teach and train her and mold her into the perfect queen and so the two were betrothed. Deimos was mostly tolerant of this. The other canine, Iris, was supposed to be a sort of personal-guard-in-training for Daphne, but she showed little interest in combat and instead excelled at blacksmithing. This disappointed Jezero and Minerva, but they generally let the girl be. As time went on Deimos was paired with a new trainer, Adrastos, and Deimos quickly developed secret feelings for the other man. He never has expressed his affection for Adrastos, but the two are close as teacher and pupil.

As a son, Deimos was obedient and diligent in his duties and training, his ultimate goal of ascension spurring him onwards. As a prince however, Deimos could be cruel, using his status and combat prowess to get what he wanted more often than not. It wasn't until he turned three years of age that he realized the good health of his still young parents might mean he would never rule in his lifetime and that it would be one of his children. He could not abide by this and began to plot against his parents. Daphne, eager to please Deimos, supported him, along with Iris her eternal guardian. Opportunity presented itself when he and his mother were out training together, working on battle tactics for uneven terrain. As they climbed higher onto the mesa cliffs, Deimos knew that this was his chance. As they engaged in one on one exercises, the young male pushed too hard and went to far. Thinking that her son would back off, Minerva told him to reset as he corralled her against the cliff's edge, dropping her guard. 

When he returned to the pack, feigning tears while carrying the broken body of his mother, Deimos told the story of how she had slipped from the cliffs and tumbled to her death. No one could have fathomed the truth and so after a period of mourning, Deimos was coronated and bequeathed the Starfall blade. His reign was tyrannical, bloody and ultimately short-lived. One of his first acts as King was to declare war on the neighboring pack with the goal to overtake their territory. The campaign was successful but both sides suffered incredible loss and injury, but Deimos saw it as a success and indication of his skill as a leader.

The canines of the now conquered pack were given the choice to leave or bow. Those who chose to stay were treated as inferior and subject to completing most of the manual labor required to support the pack. After a few short months his sisters, Rhea and Aenia, lead a nearly unanimously supported coup. Rather than face his siblings as both a failure and a criminal he fled with his retinue, taking Starfall with him. 




Mother: Minerva (deceased)
Father: Jezero
Siblings: Rhea (sister) and Aenia (sister)

Crush: Adrastos Kaine | retainer; friend; subordinate - Deimos is secretly in love with Adrastos but hides it because he feels he cannot love someone below his social class

Daphne: friend; subordinate - at one point these two were supposed to be betrothed to be married but Deimos doesn't really have any interest in the union despite the fact he is well aware that Daphne is in love with him

Iris Mizuno: friend; subordinate
