



Adopted (Litter): https://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=4639845

Owner: Gasparluna844

Name: Dipper

ID: B-0055

Gender: Male

Phenotype: White Flecked Black Minimal White

Genotype: atSas Bb CC DD EE hh Kbky Lwl mm Ssw tt UU VV ZZ

Height: 22 in

Weight: 46 lbs

Equipment: None

Traits: Very infertile (-15 to litter size) 

Good conformation (+2 to conformation trials)

Theme song(s): 

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrJRHUhAQNA

Quick personality: When Dipper was born he was immediately Daisy's pride and joy, she was so happy to finally get her own pup to take care of and she stood by his side 24/7 when he was still in his early stages of life. As he grew, she still tried to stay beside him for as long as she could, they played together, talked about any topics that came to their minds, walked beside one another outside while on adventures, but their favorite activity was cuddling next to the other as they stargazed. It didn't take long before Dipper was fascinated with the stars, he loved staring at them when night fell and soon wanted to learn all about them and space itself, from planets, to galaxies, to constellations and even to zodiac signs out of fun. When he was researching the constellations and discovered the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor or the Big Dipper and Little Dipper he was surprised but happy that he had a name related to the stars he was dearly attached to, which made him wonder if it was purely a coincidence or not so, he went to his mother to ask her about it, she simply answered with a nod and a smile, it was all it took for him to give her a bear hug, he couldn't believe that she had put that much thought into his name. Ever since then he affectionately nicknamed his mother the "Big Dipper", using it often when he's feeling a little cheeky and she does the same, calling him the "Little Dipper" in return.

Competition results:





-TTC1 (Passed)

-TTC2 (Passed)

-JT (Passed)

-IT (Passed)


-SAR1 (Passed)

-SAR2 (Passed)

Breeding slots (0/5): 


SSS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
SDS: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
SS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
Sire: A-0070

DSS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DDD: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
Dam: C-0004