
2 years, 7 months ago


sun, from luna's ig 06/17/21
[1] Sun
Aliases: Sol
Gender: M — He/Him
Orientation: Unknown
Date of birth: TBD
Age: 4.6B
Ethnicity: Solarian
Occupation: TBD
Residence: Toronto, Canada
Height: T'BD" / TBD cm
Eyes/Hair: Orange / Blond(?)
etc: plac | ehol | der

Sun is one of sixteen individuals who claim to be a celestial body, however unlike the others who claim to be planets and moons, he claims to be the sun. At this current moment, we are unable to prove whether or not this is a delusion or actual fact. This may be true, due to his strange supernatural abilities to control fire and nearby temperature and an ability to fly. His body temperature is typically hotter than most, however he doesn't seem to be bothered.

He's generally quite upbeat and energetic, often times playfully bouncing around his friends. He also seems to have a pretty short fuse; his anger easily takes control over him. Though, he can quickly brush off said anger if the issue has been dealt with or he is calmed down through conversation.


Sun has light skin and short, curly hair in a bright yellow colour. There are a few natural streaks of red in it. His eyes are mainly orange with bright yellow pupils. Unlike the others, his canines are a lot more visible.

He is often seen wearing long sleeves, hoodies, and other more comfortable clothing, despite supposedly being the sun. During the pandemic, he wears a white cloth mask in public spaces.

  • When upset, his eyes glow white, though occasionally one can see his irises faintly. However, he seemingly can also "activate" these glowing eyes at will.
  • He's the kind of person to unironically say "Where's X? I just wanna talk..." with a smile of pure evil intent.
  • other trivia note or something

Luna marshmallow,
He seems to be very protective over her. The two are often seen cuddling and doing things typical of romantic relationships. Oddly, the two seem to act more as, and consider themselves as just friends. He often calls her "squish".
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