Oberon's Comments

Does anyone here catch your attention for a trade https://toyhou.se/Wyrdwurm/characters/folder:4872

i really like this guy! https://toyhou.se/11173261.discord-emojis i see u have his worth at $30 so i could add a little microchibi to even it out a bit

or this guy https://toyhou.se/4282781.lord-chamberlin

I would be happy to trade the emoji one!
And if you want to do a microchibi do you think you could do one of https://toyhou.se/6053378.cassette ?

sure! once i finish the chibi ill send it thru dm and start the transfer! itll be done later today <3

Sounds good! Thank you so much!

Anyone outside the Forever Homed folder interest you by chance?


no one here really grabs me, sorry >>