Aurora Starburst



2 years, 7 months ago


Aurora Starburst

Aurora Starburst
Kind --
Gender Intersex (She/They)
Sexuality Questioning
Residence --
Occupation Astrographer
Talent Skymapping
More infos
Eyes Soft blue (Left)
Soft red (Right)
Mane Light grayish red
Very soft blue
Coat Colour_name
Nicknames --
Relatives -- (father)
-- (mother)
-- (sister, brother, cousin...)
Cutie mark
Voice -- (ENG)
-- (FR)
-- (JPN)
Singing voice -- (ENG)
-- (FR)
-- (JPN)

Aurora Starburst is a fan character for My Little Pony. A reserved alicorn who keeps to her own away from most ponies. She's most known for her striking coat pattern and her ability to remember every named star and constellation she's recorded. While reclusive, she is not entirely cut off from the world, as she regularly stays in contact with the other colleges that study astronomy and updates them frequently on her discoveries. But, due to her isolated upbringing, she never really learned strong social skills, and now finds herself avoiding them since they make her uncomfortable- especially after her transformation where she draws unwanted attention everywhere she goes. When she needs to venture into dense society, she'll wear a cloak to hide most of her markings and her wings as to not attract inquisitive gazes.

Born as a unicorn to a unicorn mother and earth pony father. She always had a love for the stars and her mother would tease that the sparkle in her eyes could rival their brightness whenever she gazed upon a clear nights' sky. And it was here at this quaint homestead that she stayed as she grew older, helping her mother tend to the house and learning everything she could while her father was home. She first came into contact with the prestigious colleges thanks to her father who was a well-liked professor amongst them, and was regarded as quintessential to astronomy teams across Equestria - until his unfortunate passing in her later teen years due to illness. Now she continues his studies in his absence and does her due diligence to live up to his legacy.

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During one of the local meteor shower over her homeland, she sat by herself, resting on the clifftop that overlooked the sea bordering Dreamscape. During this meteor shower, she noticed a particularly strange comet that drifted off course whose colours appeared to fluctuate in hues. There she sat until she watched as it fell into the waters just off the shoreline.

Making her way over to where the object rested, she noticed right away how the water around it shimmered like starlight. Cautiously she approached the fallen star, the water gently lapping at her hooves as she stood mere inches from it. As if spurred on by an unknown force, she bowed before the comet, the tip of her horn just barely touching the stone and dipping into the water. At once, the starry sea began to encircle her, signifying her new connection to the mysterious astral traveller.

Time began to blur, seconds taking years, aeons passing in minutes. She saw what the comet had seen in its travels across the endless expanse, felt the bitter cold on her flank as she watched planet by planet pass by. She felt the soothing warmth of her host star as she passed around it in her orbit, fluffing her coat to take in the sunlight.

With a snap she felt in her core, her eyes widened as a solar flare hurtled directly towards her. Unable to move, she braced herself for the cloud of ions to envelop her. She let out a choked cry as the electricity slammed through her body in waves, every nerve sent alight. The ringing in her ears became too much to bear, collapsing into the cooling waters beneath her. With a laboured breath, she eased her nerves, focusing on the sea around her, reminding herself that she was safe. It wasn't until she opened her eyes that she saw what had become of her while she journeyed through the memories of this fallen star.

Looking upon her reflection, she saw how her tawny markings had taken on the colours of her cutie mark, shimmering like the night sky. Although wet, her mane and tail had gone from the pale blue and dark sienna to a ghostly white and faint orange, flowing from her like stardust. She jumped to her hooves in shock, only to slip as she backed away from the comet. Landing on her flank, she felt a sharp pain in her shoulders from the impact. Upon turning her head, she was startled by the sight of having wings, one of which was pinned under her body when she fell.

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  • Do not presume me a princess just by my physical features.
  • I always bid the stars goodnight as they fade away with the rising dawn.
  • I find myself most at peace at night with the gentle seabreeze blowing through my mane.
  • There is always a new star with a new perspective on magic just waiting to be discovered. Do not yet lose hope.

  • While proficent in her magic, it is particularly unstable when she's under stress.
  • Her magic is either white, or orange/blue depending on stability.
  • She is not of royal blood and dislikes when other ponies ask her if she's a princess.
  • She only uses her magic for offensive purposes when there's no other choice left.
  • Due in part to her social anxiety, she tends to fidget a lot in social gatherings.
  • Other ponies have told her that she faintly smells of citrus and lavender.

Code by Hestiaria
based on the MLP Wiki