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2 years, 7 months ago
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Name Milo
Called Doc
Age 31
Pronouns He/Him
Height 6'3"
Build Lean
Species Human
Role Doctor
Demeanor Happy-go-lucky
Alignment Neutral Evil


  • Blood & Gore
  • Death
  • Experimenting
  • Coffee


  • Peanuts
  • Sand
  • Most seafood
  • Bright lights




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Milo had always been fascinated by blood and gore, and ESPECIALLY death. Even since he was little, it amazed him how you could just so easily kill someone, but the hard part was getting away with it. Milo was born to two christian doctors. Ever since he was young his parents shoved both of their expectations down his throat. So he was exposed to death at a very young age, through his parents' professions as his parents' religion. He knew these desires were bad, so he often prayed and begged for forgiveness to this god his parents expected him to worship with his whole being. Until one day he met Michelle. She was so sweet and kind, she was his best friend. He distracted her with her funny stories, and the small adventures they would often have.

After a year or so, of them being friends Milo and Michelle stood in Milo's living room. Milo has been unfairly punished by his parents so he had to clean the whole house. A major punishment for being five minutes late past his 9:00 curfew. Luckily, Michelle was helping him. She had just left to go to the bathroom, and Milo stood there waiting for her. Milo took a sip of lemonade that Michelle had brought them both, to drink as they cleaned the house. He picked up the window cleaner, and he had a thought. What if he slipped it in her drink? So he did just that, he slowly undid the cap, and poured it into her drink. As if he was pouring her the finest wines. Once he had fille up her glass, he slid the lid back on the cleaner and waited. A sick smile plastered on his face. Michelle walked in, and asked why he was so happy. She wanted to know so she could enjoy the happiness that her best friend had enjoyed too. Milo laughed. A sinister laugh. He did not tell her. He only giggled. Milo continued to clean, and Michelle did as she was left oblivious. After Michelle went home, a few hours later Millo received a call. She had died. He smiled, then frowned. He felt guilty, but he felt so happy too. He loved it and hated it. What if he killed someone he didn't know? What if he did this more often? What if he met his parents' desires and became a doctor?

Years later Milo opened up a clinic. He can often be seen talking to someone. Some say it's a ghost, some say it's hallucinations, he says it's michelle. All his employees laugh awkwardly, dismissing that weird comment for Milo just being his goofy self. The employees went off to treat another patient that had been there early in the morning. It had been hours, and the sun began to set, this patient seemed to be extremely ill, so they called in the professional. Dr. Milo.



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