


2 years, 7 months ago



"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

name: sailor rhjorh
nickname: mamba/paradox
age: 17
gender: amasc (thon/cer/he)
species: manicorn
orientation: aroace
relationship status: closed
occupation: assassin/animal rescuer

A mysterious figure, Sailor doesn't share much information about cer. Perhaps there is a reason behind this, perhaps not.

Taciturn and private, Sailor has few friends and close ones. Thon lives in the mountains in isolation, and survives off the land. His past held close to thons chest, thon refuses to speak of who cer is.


Sailor is often said to be private, introverted, independent, and perfectionistic. Notably creative but rational, Sailor is a realistic person who tends to lean on the heavily pessimistic side of things. Sometimes, he has witty and sometimes harsh comebacks at others, but, other times, thon is silent and will quietly glare. With a quick thinking mind, cer is one that is quick to find lies, hypocrisy, and false information.

Cer prefers finding things out for cerself, and questioning everything cer can. Thon wants to be successful, not just inventive. Thon uses insight, logic, and willpower to something thon believes in, and won’t stop until they find the most logical and efficient way to do something. Actually said to be rude or insensitive, but it’s rather the point that his mind is constantly running and prefer acting alone so he doesn't have to gain other’s opinions on things.

However, most will also take this as being uncaring. This is rather false, as Sailor feels things intensely and deeply, even if cer truly doesn’t want to. Cer has a stoic exterior and reply to just about everything, but when something goes wrong, whether with a plan or others, cer takes it personally and dedicate cerselves to improve – even to the point of pushing thonselves to thons limits.

Sailor wants an answer to everything, and often strives to know the most thon can. Cer is cynical about almost everything, and sees many things as challenges to complete. Thon loves learning, and even teaching others if someone gets thon going.

He enjoys listening to others' opinions on gossip, but doesn’t see a point to it. He enjoys learning about other’s days, but doesn’t see the point in small talk. Cer prefers being by cerself, but, when around those cer likes/find common interests with, cer will gladly spend time with them. Thon is imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused. Relying on strategy rather than chance, Sailor contemplates the strengths and weaknesses of each move before he make it.

Cer is also rather anxious, however. With diagnosed anxiety, cer often overthinks and get lost in cers own mind. With depression, thon may fall into unmotivated ruts. Thon needs their routine to be the same everyday, and associate objects with certain goals/outcomes, such as “this table equals good grades”, and sits there during a certain time to continue getting these goals.

Cers mind is dysfunctional, but it often works for cer. Cer also gets emotionally drained rather quickly, and needs to take half-days to full days of rest after a taxing social interaction. Thon is also rather bad at responding, and tend to lurk or have “quiet days”, in which thon doesn’t speak much if at all.


  • Mountains
  • Astronomy
  • Reading
  • Thunder
  • Mint
  • Germs

  • Thons favorite animals are cervids, spirit bears, and snow leopards. Secretly really loves lightning bugs.
  • Cer is extremely respectful of Earth, animals, plants, and space.
  • Sometimes it can be very difficult for cer to talk, and thon labels these as “quiet days”.
Design Notes

  • Nose and paw pads are same color as mane/horns
  • Horns, mane, tail fluff, and pupils (black) are required
  • When anthro, stands at 5'7
  • More angular and compact build; intimidating and muscular

Doesn't have a specific "gender" look. Is more on the masculine side, but can be viewed as in between. Do not draw with distinctly feminine features such as eyelashes.

Mane is rather thick and large, imagine close to a lion's. Purposefully fluffy and is obvious to be a mane, not just thicker fluff.

Has hip dips. Draw them enough so that they are noticeable, but aren't "in your face".



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Teldryn Best friends

Sailor is very loyal to dae; if anything were to happen to dae, Sailor wouldn't stop until whoever or whatever hurt cers friend was completely destroyed. Sailor views Teldryn very highly, and is very, very fond of the other. Sailor often calls the two of them platonic soulmates.

Magpie Best Friends

Sailor very much enjoys being around Magpie, and is very loyal to vi. If anything were to happen to it, Sailor may just rip the earth itself apart, just like cer would for Teldryn. Sailor views Magpie very highly, and trusts it very much. Sailor would call the both of them platonic soulmates.

Achlys Work Partners, Friends

Sailor is loyal to Achlys, but not as much as Teldryn and Magpie. Sailor has to trust Achlys in this line of work. Sailor enjoys being around Achlys, and sees Achlys in a positive light due to their association to cers past. Would kill for Achlys.