Cyra Avengoix



2 years, 7 months ago



--------- Basics ---------

Name: Cyra 

Nickname(s): Cy

Name meaning: Sun, throne, lord

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay/Poly

Age: 20

Familiar: Fox (Fenn)

Species: Demon

Race: Cambion

--------- Appearance ---------

To humans, a woman of bizarre appearance. Her upper half is almost distinctly human, with a tanned skin tone and distinct, light brown, freckles frosting her arms and face and standing at a fairly average 5'5''. Though 'almost' would be a key player here, her face - humanoid in shape, squarish jaw and dark lips - her eyes are a pure gold, her sclera shifted from greyish to black depending on the time of day. Upon her forehead, two rich - almost maroon - horns sat, large and sharp, the colour at the tip was a slight shade lighter than the base. Dark, blackish hair draped over the right side of her head, shaven on the left - which showed off her distinctly pointy ears, darker than her face. Her arms, too, were lighter at the shoulder than her hands - which sported a darker, almost red colour with dark (almost black) claw-like nails. 

From the bottom of her neck to just above her left elbow, sat a dark and winding dragon tattoo - decorated with patterned smoke. 

Her legs, however, is where her relation to humanity ends - they were oddly shaped, resembling that of a goat with dark, cloven hooves. Here, her skin is notably darker, matching her hands at the thighs and moving to a deeper red toward the hooves. On her lower back, an arrow pointed tail sporting the same colour structure with slightly darker stripes concentrated at the base. Similar stripes decorate her lower waist and upper thighs. 

--------- Personality ---------

Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert

General Temperament: Mild, she's fond of her 'alone-time' and usually doesn't go out of her way to enter crowded social situations - but she does sometimes come out of her shell

Strengths: She's fairly easy to get along with, she's stubborn and has a habit of back-talking but if you need her to do something, she's gonna get it done eventually. She's straightforward, you're likely to be able to tell by her body language if she likes/doesn't like someone. She's a natural helper, sure she'll make fun of you if you got yourself into trouble over something stupid, but she'll still find a way to help you out. 

Flaws: She's blunt and absolutely terrible at lying - her body language is always a dead giveaway (sometimes it's just her tone of voice). She hates making decisions - in turn, being responsible for too many people is a stress she finds herself unable to handle. She's quick to anger and, although she's been doing her best to control herself, it still doesn't take much to set her off. She's got poor patience with an 'act first and ask questions later' mentality.

Habits: Smoking

Morning Person or Night Owl: Night Owl

Pet Peeves: Loud chewing, being prodded/tapped continuously 

--------- Backstory ---------

Brought to the Mortal Realm soon after birth, Cyra had always thought of it as her home - even with her constant disappointment with the people around her. As a child, she moved from family to family and while some could look past her strange coloured eyes and the small horns that had started growing on her head - none had gotten their heads around her deformed, strange looking legs. In the beginning, when she had first started walking properly, she spent a lot of time around hospitals and doctors. Surgeries and been booked and cancelled, explanations made and made and differed again and again -  eventually it was looked over, she became ostracised for it.

At 13 she was a problem child, constantly getting into fights with the other kids with very little respect for authority. If she wasn't being picked on for her legs, her eyes changing colour from brown to gold was an issue, or the small, pointy horns protruding from her head. Though she'd initially tried talking to someone about the bullying, no amount of intervention would work and Cyra would be deemed a snitch or a rat. So instead, she let her fists do the talking. 

Eventually, it became too hard to bully her, so she was avoided by the other kids instead. Despite her size at the time, she had already come into her demon-side in terms of strength. Though the fear other kids now had of her extended to the adults; by 15, she'd been to more than 10 families - each giving up on her for either her aggression or her lack of respect for them as caregivers. It's not as if she didn't try, in the beginning she did everything she could to be likeable - to the point of painting her arms a single colour and wearing baggier trousers to hide her legs, but after no success she simply, gave up. 

Eventually she ended up biding her time until she could leave and live alone. At 17, one last person took her in - a strange, discoloured old man with an underbite and large bottom fangs. Despite his apparent age, he was well built - like a farmer, or someone who worked with their hands. His name was Fharik, but for Cyra - he was Dad. 

The two of them did not get along at first. Cyra was aggressive and disorderly, unwilling and unable to do as she was told and Fharik was as stubborn and quick tempered as she ever was, but far more experienced. He sussed out what she was quickly, with her strange legs and features - the growing tail she'd stuffed into a trouser leg - yet never commented - in fact, it did little to him. Similarly, Cyra thought he was strange looking, unlike any other human she'd ever seen and although it should've been a connection, she couldn't shake that this man was... indifferent towards her. His anger only spiked when hers did, when she had no other outlet for her emotions but her fists and her tongue. He only ever fought her when she started it. He was grumpy, impatient and stubborn; but he also seemed to want a connection with her. 

Soon enough they came to a stalemate. Nothing Cyra did would drive him away and no amount of bad behaviour would push him to give up on her. One day she followed him to his workshop and watched, poorly hidden, as he worked. Making things, fixing things - the like. She got caught when her tail flicked and knocked over some tidbits by a shelf. Seeing her finally taking interest in something softened Fharik, he decided to mentor her and hopefully channel her aggression into to something good. 

The next couple of years were good. Cyra had a surprising affinity for fixing things, to a point where she was bringing new customers to the shop. Her relationship with Fharik had gone from antagonistic to that of a mentor and student, they were close - their arguments were less explosive and a lot more lighthearted. Fharik was soft, but he was still an old grump. He showed her where she came from, what she was - who he was as an orc. 

However, when Cyra was 19, Fharik passed away. She had to move on. The shop was repossessed and she was out of a home - so she got the first job she could, using supplies she'd stolen from markets in hell to disguise herself the best she could, and moved into a cheap apartment on the harsher side of the city. To make enough for rent, bills and supplies; she eventually got a second job and, when she found out about the demon-run fighting rings, earned some extra money on the side fighting.

At work, she kept to herself - her once wilful spirit was dulled to a strong desire to be left alone. When she fought, everyone was an enemy - those who bet on her and those who fought her. She found that fighting was as invigorating as it used to be, especially with more equal opponents. 

On one of her visits to Hell, she came across a powerful looking demon. Even with her limited knowledge of the hierarchy, she knew something about the demon was powerful - almost like royalty. Initially, Cyra would've quickly moved on, after all, why this demon was at the markets was none of her business. But as their eyes met, she almost recognised something in them - and so, she reached out, asked her what she was looking for - and they hit it off. Ashanka - as she called herself - would meet with her often, they never tired of topics to talk about and they became fast friends; to a point where Cyra began trying and failing to convince her to come to Earth. 

After she'd long since given up, Ashanka met her with what she could only describe as a fed-up glare before making a single request,

"Can I come live on Earth with you?"

--------- Weapons/Abilities ---------

  • She carries two short-swords - specially made to mesh well with her powers
  • She's currently learning how to hold a dagger with her tail, though she's clumsy and prefers to practice alone
  • She has the ability to control fire, she can ignite her skin and somewhat control external flames
  • Her body naturally runs a pretty high temperature
  • She's prone to fevers and, while she can withstand significantly higher temperatures than most humans, not releasing built up energy through ignition can lead to severe burning.
---------- -Headcanons -----------
  • She has a fixation with collecting cards - it’s actually quite scary how many she’s accumulated over the years. She refuses to abandon any of them and keeps them neatly in little folders - they act as her constant (plus she loves the pictures some of them have)
  • Her refusal to use fire meant that she needed to learn to fight as if she were human, she quickly picked up sword-fighting. She’s firmly within the “offence is the best defence” category, as she found that a shield was often too heavy for her and stopped her from being as mobile as she’d like. So she went for dual-wielding instead and got pretty good at it too.
  • She’s fucking fast. If you can land a good enough hit, you’re likely to be able to take her down… if you can catch her first.
  • Really likes smoked things. It might be her affinity for fire…. Or her inability to cook. No one really knows.
  • Not a fan of the daytime, her eyes are pretty sensitive to the light - she can see pretty well, it’s just very uncomfortable.
  • She can see excellently in the dark.
  • She doesn’t really get sick, her body runs a pretty high temperature so it tends to burn up any illnesses/poisons pretty quickly - unless the poison has been made with her ability in mind.
  • Whenever she's in a particularly low mood, she'll just tell random stories about herself and Fharik - usually to Ashanka, as she's around the most - and it helps her feel a little better. She tends to visit his grave alone, but will sometimes ask Ashanka along, particularly on special occasions - such as the anniversary of his death, or Christmas.
  • She's awfully used to change, and often wonders when she'll be alone again - sometimes this presents as her actively pushing people away by acting out