


2 years, 10 months ago


Serval-based Khajiit, used in the Dark Brotherhood line,, smol,,,,

Ayla (Ay’karla)

-Serval Khajiit
-Lithe frame
-VERY sharp claws
-Often scares her companions with how quiet she is, as they don’t realize she’s there until they spot her

-Birth name was Ay’karla, but goes by Ay’la now
-Born in to a slave trade, had two siblings, her mother, and uncle. Father was never seen
-Village was fought over by argonians trying to free the slaves
-One evening the argonians infiltrated, and her mother gave her to an argonian to set sail and leave the cursed place
-Hasn’t seen her mother since
-Got scared and tried to fight her way off the boat, tipping it over and washing herself down stream
-Found nearly dead, a khajiit took her in and nursed her back to health
-Seperated from her brother in the scramble, she won’t see him again until many many years later

-First joins the Dark Brotherhood
-Wasn’t originally in Skyrim, but instead exploring all of Tamriel. Misses Elsywr deeply
-Anxiety ridden, face set in a constant worried expression, tail buzzing, and ears always flicking to the nearest sound
-She grew to love the Brotherhood like a family, the strange cult sharing a bond that she hadn’t felt in many years
-Made companions outside of the Dark Brotherhood, some of the few people she trusted besides the Brotherhood
-After being betrayed into doing work, nearly getting her companions killed, and finally her own leader trying to kill her, Ayla hardens and practically locks herself away emotionally from anyone
-Her companions worry deeply for her, but she barely pays them any mind

-Now a renowned assassin, leader of the new Brotherhood
-Listener for the Nightmother
-Cicero is dead. She doesn’t regret it at all, the jester always freaked her out
-Over the years she has hardened, anxiety getting better, and trust slowly returning
-6 years after the fire. Many have joined the new Brotherhood, praying to Sithis and the Nightmother
-She almost let the Brotherhood die out, if not for her companions slowly getting her to trust more and recruit new members
-Very thankful for everything they’ve done for her
-Claws are fashioned in to points, even a simple poke drawing blood