WTA's Comments

I'm going to make a WTA attempt for this cutie;

I can't think of a name right now, so I'll call them unnamed.

Unnamed was born on the streets and purely survived by stealing and foraging. He felt deep guilt for his lifestyle and got anxiety from years on the streets. When he was 12, he was arrested and take int custody. He admitted to his crimes, knowing the guilt wouldn't allow him to lie, and served a year in jail. In that year in jail, he was beaten, starved and painfully alone due to the other jail kids. His jail was a juvenile jail and wasn't full of adults but terribly mean, criminal kids. When he was realized, he was sent to a rehab group for children with varying problems, his being severe anxiety and misbehavior. There he met his first friend and future girlfriend. Each lesson they would sit in a circle and discuss things. It became his safe place. One day they needed to get into pairs and both him and the girl had no partners, so they teamed up. She worked efficiently on their small projects and was smart and kind. He began to admire her quietly from a distance, until one day she began to notice. She gave him knowing smiles and was ever so kind to him. One day, she questioned him about it and he confessed, and she admitted herself back. They became a couple, ever so supportive of one another. She helped him get an opportunity to go to his first real school and begin his new life. 

I'm going to enter another one of your WTA's to be the girl but if not I'll design her. ❤︎