


2 years, 7 months ago



AGE Unknown



REGION Inazuma





Once an Oiran in a brothel, Suzume is now a musician playing music for guests in Koi's Nine-Tails Inn. Like all employees under Koi's managment she Lives in a private section of the Inn and has free reign of the island in her free time. Unlike many of the other Employees Suzume doesn't have a weapon or vision.


"Beauty" and "Grace" have been the most common words visitors of past and present have used to describe Suzume, be it in human or fox form. She is a quiet woman, who speaks mostly in whispers or, if she has the materials, on pads of paper. She has trouble speaking to Guests and new employee's because of her awkward nature. When Guests try speaking to her she tends to freeze up with wide eyes as she is overwhlemed by her shy nature. Once you get to know her and shes comfortable in your pressence she wont be nervous to hold a conversation, though her responses are still quiet and short. She enjoys dipping in the hot springs to relax and eating crab when she gets the chance. Suzume only ever bathes by herself as she is incredibly body concious, despite having a very attractive/curvacious figure. She wears at least 3 kimono's at one time to help hide her figure and gets extremely upset when others try to get her to remove one of her layers.


Suzume was born to a wealthy family on an island just off the shore of Inazuma. She was the youngest of 5 and was treated fairly well by the maids and her parents, even if they kept themselves busy ruling over the land. One day an evil fox had come into town claiming the island for themselves. Using a combination of his wealth and brute force vision holders to claim the entirety of the island for themselves. In just a few short weeks the island had been completely changed into a red light district, forcing the previous occupants to either adjust and adapt or leave the island completely. The noble family, determined to keep their status, offered up two of their daughters, Suzume and her sister, to the evil fox in exchange for money, power and a right to make decisions on the island.

The evil fox accepted taking the two girls and putting them each in their own separate brothels. From here Suzume became quiet, secluded, and well liked amongst the patrons because of her beauty and grace. It took a turn for the worst though when a man, knowing her soft demeanor, took advantage and asked her of things she wasn't completely comfortable with. She unfortunately developed a reputation of not being able to say no, and because of the mistreatment and no attention drawn to it she fell ill.

Her status was raised in her workplace because of popularity but her health was steadily declining and the owner was not willing to buy medicines because of heavy taxation. Koi passed through the island a few times on request of a friend and came across Suzume performing in the window of her Brothel. It took time but Koi purchased her and treated her illness, where she now plays music for guests in the common room/ dining room of the Inn. If asked Suzume will say her loyalties lay with Koi and her Inn.




Nam ut dictum tortor. Ut ornare augue eu leo iaculis, placerat pulvinar urna posuere. Praesent ac orci interdum, vestibulum sem in, condimentum erat. Curabitur eleifend tempor laoreet. Nulla porta massa lorem. Nam ornare sit amet lacus in aliquam. Praesent et sem mollis, venenatis leo ac, condimentum erat. Nam nec nibh interdum, mollis mauris ut, dapibus risus. Suspendisse lectus nisi, vulputate ut hendrerit non, euismod a nisi. Quisque eu posuere quam, a consequat orci. Nam nisi felis, varius quis lacinia consectetur, bibendum eget sem.



Nam ut dictum tortor. Ut ornare augue eu leo iaculis, placerat pulvinar urna posuere. Praesent ac orci interdum, vestibulum sem in, condimentum erat. Curabitur eleifend tempor laoreet. Nulla porta massa lorem. Nam ornare sit amet lacus in aliquam. Praesent et sem mollis, venenatis leo ac, condimentum erat. Nam nec nibh interdum, mollis mauris ut, dapibus risus. Suspendisse lectus nisi, vulputate ut hendrerit non, euismod a nisi. Quisque eu posuere quam, a consequat orci. Nam nisi felis, varius quis lacinia consectetur, bibendum eget sem.



Nam ut dictum tortor. Ut ornare augue eu leo iaculis, placerat pulvinar urna posuere. Praesent ac orci interdum, vestibulum sem in, condimentum erat. Curabitur eleifend tempor laoreet. Nulla porta massa lorem. Nam ornare sit amet lacus in aliquam. Praesent et sem mollis, venenatis leo ac, condimentum erat. Nam nec nibh interdum, mollis mauris ut, dapibus risus. Suspendisse lectus nisi, vulputate ut hendrerit non, euismod a nisi. Quisque eu posuere quam, a consequat orci. Nam nisi felis, varius quis lacinia consectetur, bibendum eget sem.

Code by AviCode