
6 years, 8 months ago


Toki Adachi


16 years old

Hetero/Demisexual || Open for relationships

Toki wants more than anything for people to think of him as cool, but, in order to do this, he acts like a complete delinquent and hangs around some very bad influences. He hates the person he has become in order to fit in the way he wants to. He feels so bad that he spends his free time acting as a whole other person, volunteering and trying to make up how he acts towards people. He pretends to love sports and gets into as many  sporting events as he can, even though he hates them and is not athletic at all. In fact, he really does like learning, just not school.  Many people look at him and wonder why he hasn't failed any of his classes as he never seems like he is paying attention in class or even studying. He is honestly just a pathetic dork who loves the color pink and would never hurt a fly.

He  was born in Japan but his family moved to America when he was ten years old. Now he expects everyone to look at him as that one weird kid from Japan. He does anything he can to kill that reputation, even though it practically doesn't exist, seeing as he has lived in America for six years and no longer even has an accent.