Cyrus (Unbleeder AU)



1 year, 10 months ago


Rarity:  Uncommon
Shape: Horn
Number: 2
Position: Head
COR:  Rust (Closed)
PUPIL:  Slit
WEAPON:  Caltrops

(cw parental abuse, death, murder, mention of suicide ideation)

Cyrus, born with thalassemia (a form of chronic anemia), always knew his mother's neglect would kill him one day. And he was right. Day after day, argument after argument, stress, depression, the slow deterioration of his condition, all of it--it was too much. He would never know if what killed him was his heart giving out, or his liver becoming polluted with heavy metals, or his blood finally grew too thin. The story he was told, after the fact, was this: his mother had found him, dead on the ground. She'd dragged his corpse to Llawes in crocodile tears, begging and pleading the higher ups to bring back her darling boy.  (When had he ever been that boy? That farce never existed.) As heart-rending as her act was, tears wouldn't pay the bills. So, instead, as his next-of-kin, she signed away his future: undead life for a life of labor at Llawes.

What Cyrus remembers is this: Nothing but blackness. Then light, bright, burning, medical lights searing into his skull on the surgery table. Strength and life like he had never felt before, and pure, unbridled, white-hot rage. He'd lunged for his mother, snivelling behind the observation window, and it had taken four men to hold him back. She had been escorted out, and he had been escorted to his new life. He thought about leaving, but what was the point? To be hunted down, like a dog? Even death, an out he'd once so often romanticized, wasn't an option anymore. He was assigned work in the archival department, a secluded corner of the offices, handling records and digitizing paperwork. It was quiet, inoffensive work. Day after day, there he toils. He still thinks of murdering his mother. He knows he's become a demon. But more often, he opts out of emotions entirely, removing his heart to litter the office floor with a maze of caltrops. Mostly, he's waiting. He's listening.

(As a remaining side effect of his thalassemia, he has a significantly weaker healing factor than other Unbleeders and requires longer periods of rest.)