


2 years, 7 months ago



"You called for backup, soldier?"

Achilles was orphaned at a young age, his father and older siblings all dying during their service to the guild. His older siblings Atlas, Athena, Alala, Anthlochus, and Ajax were the only people he knew as a child and once they were gone he was left alone with no one there. It was when Valjean welcomed him into his home, and he lived with him and Mercuria in a comfortable home. But Achilles can't accept the happiness he gained, betraying those that suffered and died. He's been training all his life to get into the guild, wanting to do Valjean proud, his father in the heavens, and to protect the world he loves. Even if it meant sacrificing himself, he wanted to make an impact in some way. Or that's how he felt- suddenly his friends have been changing his mind on throwing his life away. They only remind him how precious his life is, how precious the future is and how much he wants to only spend lazy afternoons with them in constant peace. But time marches on, and forward is the only direction he can take. He can only make sure that they all return from their mission as safely as they can. Achilles has been experiencing visions of his past loved ones, giving him a chance of survival. To train him, to make him stronger, but also to tell him how sorry they are to be so blinded by glory to forget what home truly meant. While he loves his home and the people he's surrounded by, he can't help the distance he feels. All of it feels so far, and he wonders where he belongs- were his choice and future lie? The world that was made from his own thoughts, choices, and mind-free from the past and where he can fly freely without that guilt.

【 Name 】 Achilles Troy Phalanx【 Gender 】 Nonbinary (He/Him or They/Them)
【 Age 】 23【 Pokemon 】 Falinks
【 Nature】Adamant【 Type 】 Fighting
【 Role 】 DPS/Tank【 Playlist 】 Click here

【 Strength 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Bravery 】

【 Honesty 】

【 Generosity 】

【 Goofy 】

【 Resolve 】

【 Confidence 】

----【 Hobbies 🎨 】----

Sculpting/Witling 🗿

•Training 🏋️

•Bird Watching 🐦

•Helping Others 🤝

•Lifting Weights 🔩

----【 Skills 🏅 】----

•Skilled Fighter 🤺

•Raw Strength 🤼

•Decent at cooking 🍳

•Actually pretty good at sculpting 🗿

•Pottery 🏺

•Sharpening Blades 🗡️

•Dextrous 🤸‍♂️

----【 Likes/Dislikes】----

✅Training and sparring

✅Valjean & Mercuria

✅Smell of fresh clay

✅His friends & making sure they're safe

❎Being asked about his family

❎Green peppers

❎People finding out about his pottery and sculptures



[ Friend ] Achilles always goes to pray to Lord Arecus for luck in training and guidance. He worries that he isn't doing certain prayers right or doesn't understand certain church behaviors and always relies on her for help. He worries that she's too stressed and tries to always check in on her health. Realizing that she’s actually his sister in a way, he feels bad that they’re not closer.



[ Friend ] Achilles thinks of Tomas a bit like a big brother- someone that knows more than him and yet can also be relied on. He sometimes gently tells tomas not to do things because they'd get in trouble with sister Eva. He always lends a helping hand. He thinks about their promise to be rooks together and treasure him as friend that he can always relax around.



[ Friend ] Achilles thinks Caster is a smart person and one of his most important comrades on missions. He trusts him blindly and thinks he would never lie to him. He does almost everything caster tells him and often compliments and encourages him- often undeserved. Achilles takes his words into deep consideration, and realizes he needs to grow- just like him.



[ Trusted Commander ] Achilles thinks of Rainer in high regard, always taking his orders with the greatest care. He would never question his commander and often aims above and beyond of the mission goal. It seems that Achilles has misplaced a lot of admiration and attachment on Rainer from grieving his father.



[ Friend ] Achilles finds Ulki a very gentle but bright soul, and wants to see her come out of her shy shell! He thinks that she can achieve truly great things, and wants to support her no matter what. He also wants her to relax and see the great things and people around her. Due to his tendency to get hurt due to training long hours, he meets with Ulki quite often. Sometimes he sneaks pudding for her.



[ Friend(?) ] Achilles considers Lyev to be his ally that he trusts with all his heart- willing to help him in any way he needs. In a sense, Achilles doesn't want Lyev to give up! Even if he needs someone to carry him to missions, Achilles knows that he- like any of the other teammates- is important. While he isn't sure about Aliyev's past but understands that both of them are alone and suffering. At that moment, it was the first time Achilles admitted his past to anyone, and the sudden abrasive yelling match had him remember interactions he had with his siblings. He's conflicted over his own feelings but appreciates Lyev wanting him to live, and to figure out why he wants to fight. He has a higher opinion of Lyev and wants to be there for him, and help him- no matter what. Achilles feels terrible that Lyev always seems to have to put up with him. He feels like a loser in comparison, he hasn't made much progress to his goal, and every time he sees Lyev it only reminds him of that. The silence is killing him, even though they say everything is fine- it doesn't feel fine anymore. Achilles feels like a coward, not being able to reach out and ask Lyev what's happening- just like before with his brother Ajax.



[ Friend ] Achilles worries over Marigold, being a more quiet person in the group. He wants to always check in on her and that she’s okay. But he’s also confident in her magical abilities. Achilles feels terrible guilt for rejecting her feelings of a family because deep inside it's all he ever wanted. But he can't deny that his overreliance, as well as unhealthy coping mechanisms, will only endanger not only her but himself. Until he can learn to let go, he doesn't want to keep seeing Athena in her visage.



[ Friend ] Achilles doesn't see Beel as scary as everyone else does- he's just a little different but just as genuine in his heart. On the battlefield, the spirit is more important. Plus Beel is a great friend to have! But Beel wishing to be a shield for him seemed to have really struck a chord- unknown to Beel, Achilles doesn't want anyone else to die for him. Achilles was worried that revealing that he loves Beezlebub will cause an unhealthy relationship, but seeing that it gave Beel intense joy relieved his worries. He doesn't want to form unhealthy coping but.. He feels happy to say that he loves someone.



[ Friend ] Achilles thinks that Jackie is fun, and very confident. He wishes he was as cool as her, and doesn’t want her to be hurt. He’s always willing to help her out too!



[ Friend ] Howie is his trusted friend and Ahcilles looks up to him for his moral upstanding and his willingness to help others. He wonders how Howie maintains such kindness and sees it as a goal for himself. He knows that Howie will always try to do what’s right and respects him deeply for that.



[  Acquaintice ] Achilles was at first worried and then very hesitant on Juniper for the sheer fact he wasn’t sure if Juni was going to hurt the people he loves as well as his home. Now, he’s a bit ashamed of his attitude and welcomes him with open arms. Juniper is a team member just as anyone else, and Achilles trusts him like the rest.



[  Acquaintice ] Achilles doesn’t know much about him but he respects the father deeply. .



[ Adoptive Mother ] Achilles looks up to Mercuria and loves her deeply- he does think of her as his defacto mother figure. He wants to make her proud and works hard for her. He'll carry all the groceries inside Mercuria! He often feels such an intense distance that self-imposed, he feels guilty that she had to take him in for Valjean's sake. Not only that but to him, accepting Mercuria as his mother would be betraying and leaving behind his original family. But he still loves her deeply and appreciates her- sometimes he gets a little scared of her because of her passion but understands it comes from a place of love.



[ Adoptive Father ] Achilles deeply respects, appreciates, and loves Valjean as a father figure. But that's the problem- Achilles feels awful because he doesn't want to admit it but he loves Valjean more than his actual father. Due to that, he can't admit Valjean as his father for the deep guilt of leaving his original family behind. Even so, he loves Valjean and does everything he says with all of his efforts. He thinks of Valjean highly and wants to be like him, and often tries to do things by himself to impress him.
