Mary the Mermaid



6 years, 9 months ago


She/Her | She speaks Spanish, English and Sign language!
Mermaid by accident

María Vargas was born on Mazatlán Mexico, with 19 years old she was the top of her engeneering class, she didn't have as many friends but that never seemed to bother her at all, life was great outside of her house, inside though, she had to take care of her mother, a deaf woman with a legs paralysis condition, having worked on the military and now a retired soldier Mary's mother depended of her daughter's help for almost everything, in the other hand, her father, being an alchoholic man with serious anger issues was making the whole situation a lot more difficult that it should be, Maria breaks down often due to all the preassure she is going through at her won place, she copes by taking a 15 minutes walk to the beach nearby and surfing for a bit.

One day, however, she has the strongest confrontation with her father and goes out to surf, a really strong storm hits her when she gets to the beach, getting lost among the waves for a couple weeks, soon finds out that she has turned into a mermaid, and with the help of a Leviathan, she goes on a deep sea adventure to find out how to turn back into human before the life of her dear mother is no more on land.