🪓 | Pending



2 years, 10 months ago


FREEBIES TOS | Read this before considering. 

Hi, I decided to use an OC generator by a Discord User: Dark Blue#4537

  • Gender: NB 
  • Age: 15-18
  • Hair: Big
  • Style: Vintage
  • Acc: Necklace
  • Extra: Free space (hat)

Of course you don’t need to follow that, but that was just my inspo. Make them a girl, change them to be a 46yo, I don’t care.

I’d like you to write something about this character and as a bonus, what you’d do with them. Put effort into it though. Don’t just go, “Ye they’re called Jack and they punch people for a living. pls gib oc” or I’ll delete the comment and block you.

Include: (in your entry)

Name, mayb age/gender, personality, story, mayb what to do with them.

Anyone can enter (unless you’ve been blocked by SpiritX), but you must have a Toyhouse or otherwise be my friend. Remember that I’ll be picking by quality over quantity. (So don’t worry if someone sends an essay, but feel to write an essay if you want to yourself!)

If I don’t find a home I think is suitable I’ll just toss them in my sales/trades folder.

EMOJI PROMPTS | 🪓⚰️🏚 - 📷🎞⏳ - 🥃🎻🎷 (optional emoji ideas to get you going - I think they’d be an undercover detective.)