


2 years, 7 months ago



Name: Ryo

Age: 19 (appearence, real age unknown)

DoB: ???

Gender: Male (he/they)

Height: 162cm / 5'3

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Ghost

Race / Nationality: White coded, ???

Voice: Higer pitched, feminine sounding & loud, very playful and cheerful tone almost at all times

Body type: Thin, a tad too much


  • Shorter than average, thin build
  • Messy brownish hair that reaches the end of his neck, pointy and "moon shaped" bangs that cover their forehead, obligatory side hair puffs
  • Horns :)
  • Heterochromia, their right eye is lavander and their left eye is light mauve (i googled this). Both eyes have spirals on them, as well as very ✨ volumptious ✨ lashes. They have black scleras
  • Cross marks underneath his eyes, as well as an "x" at the center of their face, above his nose
  • Small wings that he can't actually fly with because they perpetually float
  • Earrings on both ears and wings, they're shaped to be respectively the male and female symbol
  • Being a ghost he can't change outfits, so what you see them wear is what he's stuck with. His favorite color is purple (or violet, whichever you prefer)


Ryo is snarky, conniving and seemingly full of himself. They always make it his mission to mess with The Gang, usually by scaring them or annoying them with endless, meaningless questions. Ryo's personality is quite hard to determine with words, as it heavily changes depending on their mood: they can go from mildly annoying and childish, but still well meaning and down to hearth, to unapologetically toxic and downright cruel with his words for seemingly no reason. This difficulty in stabilizing his personality and emotions, as well as the general circumstances surrounding his very presence, which are for the most part unknown, quickly causes bad blood amongst the other characters, who quickly establish them wanting nothing to do with them, and him going back and forth between not caring and feeling upset by it. In short, Ryo is an odd fella whose personality is a bit more complex than normal.


  • Ryo has little to no memories about his past or who he really is
  • Any story they tell about themselves has a relatively good chance of being a lie, but it's not always the case
  • He is not immune to exorcisms
  • He can only exist in darkness, therefore, they almost exclusively appear at nighttime in one of the other characters’ bedrooms
  • Their favorite person to visit is Parker, his least favorite is ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉
  • Ryo is ill, so ill, but they say they're fine (they're not, they're ill)
  • Ryo is hypersexual and has difficulty managing his thoughts and feelings when it comes to things related to it
  • He's got a way with words in the worst way possible