Nikita and Kaabii (Nikita - Genshin)



3 years, 4 months ago



Age adult
Eyes green
Height tall
Hair dark brown
Gender male
Body adult build
Birthday Aug 23rd
Zodiac Virgo
Occup. bodyguard
Orient. bi
Weapon claymore
Vision geo
Region ???
Affil. ???
Title(s) content content content

Nikita is a bodyguard for hire. He's usually traveling in between regions and looks for temporary jobs to do that involves protecting someone either in a certain location or during their own journeys. His favorite place so far though seems to be Liyue; he's often taking jobs there.


  • Normal: geo claymore atk x4 (Continious version has consecutive swings going in a straight line)
  • Elemental Skill:
  • Elemental Burst:

vision info
  • Geo Vision, ??? design
  • how he got it is tba

weapon info
  • Sword claymore
  • tba

artifact info
  • One set: Tiara of Flame (Affected by Pyro for 40% less time)
  • Four set: Gladiator's Finale (If the wielder of this artifact set uses a Sword, Claymore, or Polearm, increases their Normal Attack DMG by 35%.)


  • Hello: "text"
  • Good Morning: "*yawns* Ah, hi... uh, I mean, mornin'..."
  • Good Afternoon: "I'm about to take a lunch break."
  • Good Evening: "The air at this time feels the best for walking."
  • Good Night: "You're going to sleep? Alright, have a good night. I'll be keeping watch here for a while."

  • Sunny: "'s so hot...I should be used to this weather though..."
  • Windy: *deep breath* "Ahh...this feels great..."
  • Rainy: "Come take cover, don't want you to get sick."
  • Thunder: "Hm.. I think it's getting closer, we should hurry."
  • Snowy: *shivering* "I-i'm going inside..!"

added to party
  • "You called?"
  • "Where are we going today?"
  • "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."

elemental skill
  • "-"
  • "-"

elemental burst
  • "-"
  • "-"

idle/ chat
  • "-"
  • "-"

  • "Hyah-"
  • "Stay with me!"

  • "Gah-!"
  • "Urgh... stand back!"

knocked out
  • "Ugh..."
  • "No...not...again..."
  • "Forgive me...please..."



Nikita is a bodyguard for hire in a certain city. He's become very good at his work, because once he made a mistake and his sister, someone he cared for a lot, for disappeared. Since then he's taken to protecting and watching over others on trips both long and short making sure they reach their destinations safely, or for some extra in city or town security for certain events. However, one day while working with his important client and a few other guards, they were ambushed by an unusually strong enemy in Mondstadt, and then next thing he knew he was found by some Favonius knights and was taken in to be healed and questioned. He complied as well as he could but the weight of a failed job was heavy on his mind. As much as he wanted to go out and look for his crew, the injuries held him back. Then the Traveler (it'll be Aether to keep the theme of missing sisters) came to town, and then all the in game events happened, and before Aether leaves for the next town, Nikita approaches him and asks if he can join him, partly to assist him in their travels, but also to find out who those strong enemies are, and to see if he could find his crew, and possibly his sister.

  • His sister is his only close and biological family.
  • He could drink alcoholic beverages but not very strong ones nor not too much; he could handle a couple glasses
  • Nikita didn't end up going to academia for some reason
  • He tends to work in a group with other hired bodyguard of different weapon types. It feels safer in numbers and having different combat methods.
  • -
  • -


My ocs

"She's my sister. We were always together, even though we had different things to do. When she disapperared that day, it was really hard having each day pass without her... it feels so empty. I know I'll find her someday. I... I miss her... I'm not afraid to admit it."



Genshin Characters

"I'm willing to help him in any way I can. I too know what it's like to lose your sister... and I want them to reunite just as much as I want to with mine. I hope I can be useful...!"


"She's a really cute maid...oh, I mean platonically..! She got flustered when I said this; I might of had a bit much to drink that day... but I tried to explain myself really well in the days after! Anyway, I'm glad to meet another person who shares the same element and weapon. Most of all, I admire her diligence. She's definitly stronger than she appears."


"He's... an interesting guy..., he's always teasing me, or making fun of me, I can't tell the difference. Since I'm up late at nights too I've become somewhat of a drinking buddy, though I can't stay sober after a couple glasses.... He's nice company though, but he does tend to feel distant. I wish I could help him with... whatever's on his mind. "


"He's really nice, and we have a lot of fun talking about adventure stories we've experienced. He's also super energetic... I can't keep up sometimes.... And, for some reason, something always happens when we go to hang out, and yet he never seems that fazed about it. He's definitly very strong in many ways."


"When I found out who he really was, I dropped everything to bow and thank him for what he's done for me; I realize that's probably not how things worked in actuality after the fact, and I'm sure he might have been taken aback, though he didn't show it, espcially after finding out he doesn't hold that position anymore! It was embarrasing, but my feelings and great respect hasn't changed one bit."