Jasper's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

kings_cove Global Rules

My characters:

  • You may draw them
  • You may not copy the design/make an oc similar on purpose
  • You may not claim them as yours
  • You may not post the character on other websites
My designs:
  • Don't sell the character for more than bought (including freebies) unless the character has extra art
  • Don't sell the character for real currency
  • Don't claim you made the design
  • Don't completely overhaul the design
  • Don't remove credit or images. (hiding the image counts)
  • Don't use for hate

if you wish to sell a design you got from me, you may contact me to get the permissions changed!