Eleanore Amastacia



2 years, 7 months ago


Even poorly-planted rice crops grow up green.
Name: Eleanore Amastacia
Alias/nickname: N/A
Age: 81
Birthday: 25 February
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Biromantic asexual
Height: 160cm
Race: High Elf
Class: Sorcerer (Phoenix Soul)
Star sign: Pisces
  • Chocolate chip pancakes
  • Sparklers
  • Cute plush toys
  • Fashionable accessories
  • Thunderstorms
  • Ghost stories
  • Boiled cabbage
  • Being ignored

Born the youngest of three children in a renowned wizarding family, Eleanore was always considered the black sheep due to the destructive ability she had been gifted with from birth, made even wilder and more unpredictable by a near-death experience weathering a blizzard while being hopelessly lost in the forest. The malleable threads of magic her parents and siblings deftly controlled turned out to be awkward, unwieldy, and untamable in Eleanore's hands, something which dismayed her to no end. Following a heated disagreement with her elder brother over a burnt coat, a frustrated Eleanore ran away from home in search of a way to keep the errant power surging through her veins in check.

A cheerful and earnest child, Eleanore is unfortunately extremely sheltered and can come off as painfully naive to those who are more world-weary. She warms up relatively quickly to other people, only adopting a defensive stance whenever she is questioned about her past, which is still a rather touchy subject for her. Eleanore has an insatiable curiosity about the world outside of her birthplace and enjoys picking up new experiences on the road in addition to learning about foreign cultures.

  • Eleanore likes drawing shapes in the air with Dancing Lights to pass the time whenever she is bored.
  • Has a working knowledge of Gnomish due to the sizeable gnome community in the university town she grew up in. She sometimes translates manuscripts for extra income.
  • Tries not to stay in the same place for too long in case the locals track all their scorched property back to her.
  • Contract bridge is Eleanore's favourite game as it was the only thing her siblings were willing to sit down and play with her when she was younger.
  • Her arcane focus is a pendant necklace with a crystal inset.




Eleanore got to know Vincent through her elder brother, who had been his classmate in university. While Vincent and Eleanore had only spoken to each other on rare occasions when he visited her family manor, Eleanore admires Vincent's tenacity in the face of rejection, thinking of him as a kindred soul. Eleanore and Vincent are on friendly terms and exchange letters occasionally.




Minerva is Eleanore's first close friend. The two girls met while travelling around a realm named Tianxia, where Eleanore had been taking on a number of odd jobs in order to get more practice with her spells. Eleanore and Minerva hit it off immediately because of their complementary personalities, and have been keeping in close contact ever since.




Sylvette was Eleanore's tutor when she was still being home-schooled. A gentle individual, she provided the attention which Eleanore so desperately craved and doted on her like a little sister. Eleanore quickly developed a crush on her, and was devastated when Sylvette had to leave the Amastacia household in order to further her studies.