


2 years, 6 months ago










Dinosaur (Brontosaurus)




"Please don't give me food! I'm uh um... not hungry?"

A friendly dinosaur that has sadly been murder (head chopped off) by an unknown killer. His soul still has possession of the body.


He’s blue and light blue. His spikes are gray. Without anything on his head you can see a neck bone peeking out. His soul is usually around his neck which when wearing an object you can see his eyes.


His items are Jap-Jap(His childhood toy), Deno (his chainsaw), and whatever he puts on his head (mainly a pumpkin).


He's a very sweet dinosaur. He loves attention unless it's negative or about his missing head. He would never wrong anyone he doesn’t like people that seem dangerous in his sight. Even know he seems so nice don’t hurt him he has his chainsaw and he’ll out run you/chase you till you’re caught. He’s very shy and thinks everyone knows he’s headless and talks behind his back.

  • Jap-jap (his pumpkin toy)
  • Scaring people
  • Pretending he isn’t dead,
  • Poppies
  • Chasing his tail
  • Hiding
  • Halloween theme parties
  • his chainsaw Deno
  • The person that killed him
  • People knowing he’s headless
  • Flashlight (they hurt his non existing eyes)

When Pokey was little he would always go into forests to have fun with whoever was around. He loved when October came around and would go to halloween theme parties and was the star of the party most of the time. During the other months he would chase his tail pretending he was trees for fun, having tea parties with his plush (Jap-Jap), and carving fruits and vegetables into jack-o'lanterns. Pokey hated when people would give him tomatoes because they were difficult to carve or when people screamed in fear because people were scared of him hurting them. When it became late outside, Pokey would go into a cave to sleep and get warm by the fire. One day Pokey traveled into a snowy forest and came across sheep picking sticks. He didn’t bother the sheep since it was so focused on the sticks. He also came across a bunny having a cookout with other animals he came over to have fun since he was starving on his travels. He was welcomed immediately. He was treated as if he was a part of these winter creatures. After the cookout he looked around the beach town he got to try coffee from a little hyper dog. After a long day he went to the cave for dinner. He was super happy and went to sleep. A week after he met a deer, beast, seal, and christmas skull dog. He was scared of the beast but looked deceived. The beast was super sweet towards him and even allowed to join their group. Pokey declined because he rather they don’t have him because he rather they have fun without him since he was gonna have to go home soon. Everyday was a new place and a new story.

Off With your Head

One day as Pokey walked around the snowy forest looking at flowers and collecting a berry from a bush he kept looking around the beautiful place. He found a bush and lowered his head to see what it was and he heard someone scream and his vision went black. When his vision was back he noticed he was dead and he was just his soul. Pokey cried as he barely saw his killer in the distance running away. Pokey possessed his headless body and grabbed a blade he carved the pumpkin and pulled the seeds out, then he carved 2 eye holes and a smiley face with two teeth on it. He put the pumpkin on his head as a replacement and picked up his decapitated head and walked to a different cave than his and didn’t want anyone to see what he looked like now. He slept on the cooled floor with Jap-Jap and kept a chainsaw (Deno) which was his two things keeping him company. The next day he woke up to blood on the floor. He whined again and came up with an idea: he tried to bandage the blood. It didn't work so he didn't care and relaxed until he stopped bleeding. He walked to the beach town where he was laughed at by a hyena. The hyena told Pokey to come with him. Fido followed the pup and he saw the pup had so many items and a clown. The hyena put him in a room as he looked for something for Pokey and Pokey’s head fell off onto a pillow. When the hyena’s head turned his head he laughed and was sorta frightened and Pokey thought he was laughing at him and Pokey’s soul covered his eyes. After a couple minutes the hyena comforted Pokey knowing that something rough happened to the dino and setted one of his goals to help him. He told Pokey that he wasn’t laughing at him since he could sorta tell that’s what upsetted Pokey and introduced himself. The hyena (Fido) helped Pokey attach his head back on and used a spell to keep it on his head longer. Fido did some experiments on Pokey to help but nothing really worked and it was getting late Fido said his goodbyes to Pokey and before the dinosaur got out of the room the clown tackled Pokey to the ground and wanted to be his friend and just kept blabbering until Pokey heard Fido yell BONZO. The clown stopped and introduced himself like he was on a stage with a bunch of people. The clown(Bonzo) sorta scared him because he was very hyper and he got out quickly as he heard Bonzo cry for him not to leave. He went into the forest and tried to find his cave but he got lost. He laid on the ground and looked back at the glows in the town. He didn't want to go back there in case Bonzo sees his head fall off randomly. He was a bat flying around with a weird dog-like creature walking. He went over two and asked the two if they could help them. The creature gave a look at Pokey though it was hard to tell since that skull on its head made him look sorta lifeless as his tail slapped the ground and it’s wings flapped slowly in the cold air and as fog came out of its mouth from the winter breeze. As the bat, very small with a tiny red shirt said sure. Pokey gave them a description of the cave and the two scouted as Pokey followed. When they got to the cave he thanked the two and the bat said you’re welcome. When he turned his back the bat was on a tree as the creature waved as it disappeared from the fog. Pokey was creeped out and rested his head keeping the chainsaw really close that night. Weeks after when walking around for things to do he heard two people talking. It seemed to be two girls. He heard the two talking about dinosaurs, one seemed very interested, the other sounded fearful and sounded like they didn’t want to talk about the topic. Something bumped into him when he looked he saw a small cat with white spots on her tail and legs, a bell and a red sweater. The sheep looked horrified and stood there holding a cane with a bell. The cat’s eyes lit up and had big smiles when she looked him in the eyes she hugged Pokey saying she knew they were real. Pokey was so confused and told the cat to let go and the cat was still super happy. The cat told the sheep how crazy it is that they saw a dinosaur and the sheep snapped out of the fear and put her hand in front of the cat to protect her and swung her stick in the air to protect her and the cat not noticing she wasn’t hitting anything because she kept her eyes closed. The cat told the sheep to stop as Pokey ran off because he thought the sheep knew he was headless.


He’s been going to Fido’s place to find a way with his headless problem and also growing a bigger bond with the bat (Rosco). When he went to a cemetery where Rosco lives he saw the creature again as it stared at a grave. He learned the creature’s name was Marchosias and that he ruled over time and space still doesn’t mean Pokey gets nervous of his appearance. He has heard Marchosias say something which was “Can it” when Rosco was making a joke about how Marchosias is so quiet. He also was greeted by the cat (Munchkin) and the sheep (Cotton) alot often getting so much attention and presents from Munchkin; well Cotton would give him blue flowers but would throw them and hide. Pokey has made attempts to communicate and even followed her to her place but it just made her use her stick. He could tell her paranoia was clear as day so he tries to grow the bond with her but doesn’t bother her and rather Cotton bother him.


Pokey likes Rosco but is nervous that Rosco knows he’s headless and is just his friend because Rosco feels bad (which isn’t the case) he’s always showing his toys or playing with Rosco.

The only one that knows that he’s headless; He’s very respectful and just wants to help Pokey out. Sometimes Fido has wild ideas that scare Pokey. For the most part they get along very well and are treated as he would be if he was alive when he doesn’t have his head.

She scares him! He’s good friends with her but she’s very nice but feels like she will hate him for being headless (If she knew she would be scared for a little but would be friends again. He doesn’t like some of her presents since it’s her homemade treats because he can’t eat them. He loves the positive attention he gets around her.

  • He’s alittle bit smaller than Skeppo (6’7 ft).
  • When wearing the pumpkin or skull, the jaw can't move.
  • He will cry if someone gives him food.
  • He’s very childish.
  • Design: Main design (rising._.ravens on tik-tok) The pumpkin and personality (me)
  • Sidebar image: MagnumOpus
  • Aesthetic images: one || two || three

code by icecreampizzer