


2 years, 7 months ago





Canis Aureus



Waltz of Malice - Kikuo
"A horror from the woods. The nightmare in the dark."


Chronos is a mysterious creature with the anatomy of a Jackal ( Canis Aureus ). Chronos has a very calm and collected attitude, making it almost impossible to read what he is thinking or planning. His demeanour is very cautious, but should he be interested enough, Chronos will not hesitant to go out of his way to figure things out for himself. From what is known, he does not have the ability of speech - only capable of making noises like low growls, clicks, whistles and hums. Although inept in speech, it is obvious he can clearly understand others and even read and/or recognise their habits and subtle cues in their demeanour/speech. Not much is known about him, except that one day he appeared from the woods on a dark, misty night. He's been around since, always lurking in the shadows. Ever since the disappearance of a group of children, locals have avoid entering the woods unless necessary, and have forbid any children from entering. On the evening of their disappearance, witnesses said that the last time they saw the children enter the forest, a heavy mist shrouded the forest. Sightings of Chronos are very few and far between.

  • Chronos has the ability to make others auditory and visually hallucinate.
  • When Chronos 'bleeds' or is hurt, where the wound is, it will drip with an inky unknown substance instead of blood.
  • It is known that his 'blood' causes plants to wither away and die. It is not know what affect it has on living animals.
  • Chronos can make his illuminated features glow at different brightnesses, although he cant change the brightness of his 'eyes'.
  • When overly emotional, his form will become unstable. During these times he is covered with the same inky substance of his 'blood'.
  • Chronos can give himself features like a mouth or nose, although he cannot use them.


He came from the stars many ceturies ago. Fallen from the sky - he found himself amongst a planet later known as 'EARTH'. He explored for a long time, and familiarised himself with the ever changing scenery, before settling within the woods of a nearby town. Not much is known about his backstory, what he has done for these centuries


  • Being unnoticed.
  • Having information that others dont.
  • Unnerving others.


  • Showing any hint of emotion or weakness.
  • Being unable to know something that others know.
  • When people try attack or deceive him.


  • Medium/average sized for a Jackal.
  • Pitch black fur(?).
  • Eyes glow with a pure white.
  • Two white illuminating horns that curve alike a rams' around his cheek.
  • Instead of paws, he has glowing white hooves on all his feet that faintly glow.



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