


6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full name











Sloth demon


Nursery guardian


Long lost


Black Comet


"We only dig up the dead ones."


The Nanny is a sloth demon who tends to the Nursery, the area which all demons are born, and the great Nursery tree that sprouts from the soil. She is the oldest still living demon. The Nanny once had a proper name, but has long since abandoned her birth name, and even recently gifted it to a nameless demon. The Nanny is also the one who created the reapers that now guard the Nursery. She is an elder demon, though she looks like a small, frail girl, wearing a tattered dress and shawl. 

Despite being a sloth demon, Nanny does not hold the sloth kingdom and its king in any higher regard than the other kingdoms.


The nanny's only focus is to guard the Nursery. She cares very little about anything else. Or at least that's what she wants people to think. Though she does her best to appear cold and uncaring, she does care for others, especially those lost and in need of guidance. Occasionally, she lets her true feeling show. However most of the time she does not show her feelings. She comes across as very strict. The Nanny holds many secrets, having being alive for so long, though she generally does not open up to anyone. She enjoys living in solitude, and will be openly annoyed by visitors. 


The Nanny was among the first generation of demons born in Sheol, shortly after the worlds' creation. At the time, Sheol was nothing but a barren wasteland, and the Nursery tree was but a sapling. While the other demons ventured out to explore and claim the new land, Nanny was always drawn to the Nursery, where her life began. 

Many centuries passed, and though she lost all her friends and family, Nanny prevailed, continuing her quiet life in the Nursery. As kings rose and fell with their kingdoms, Nanny's role at the Nursery was always held high. Though she and the Nursery always stayed neutral, her opinions and advice were always highly regarded by Sheol and its demons. However, once Heaven and her angels descended onto Sheol and plunged the world into chaos, the time for Nanny to take a stance had finally come. Through gritted teeth and much negotiation, Nanny took leadership and for the first time since Sheol's creation, united the seven kingdoms to join forces against Heaven. Nanny did not seem shaken by the situation at hand, and because of this, many speculated that Nanny knew more of the alien invaders from than she led on.

The Nanny oversee every demon's birth at the Nursery. Newborn demons are formed in the earth of the Nursery, and once they awaken, dig themselves out. Nanny does not interfere with the process at all. She only digs up the dead demons who didn't manage to dig themselves out.

Other quotes

  • "A soul is not the consciousness of a person. It is simple something left behind, so we may keep them in our memories forever."
  • "This tree, this soil... It is sacred, not for its power, but for its meaning. It is the closest we demons have to a mother."
  • "Fire is the strongest, heaviest form of magic... Thou wouldst be wise to wield it with caution."(To Lucifer)
  • "Sheol has never been kind to those who are... different."
  • "Thou art a cursed child, indeed." (To Ashmedai)
  • "Is this truly the path thou wisheth to take?" (To Mephistopheles)
  • "Thou'st always been a pitiful child." (To Beelzebub)
  • "Worry not... Thy secrets are safe with me." (To Seraphim)
  • "I have waited for thee..."


  • She knows many secrets.
  • She created the reapers, though no one knows how she did it.