
2 years, 7 months ago


(THING I HAVE TYPED OUT and might as well keep here for now:)

Nobody really knows exactly who he is or where he came from. Many adjectives have been used to describe him... cute, unhinged, friendly, menace, smelly (this last one is true). Be careful leaving a good impression on him, as he just may take a liking to you and follow you around like a lost puppy. 

A small posse of fellas call him their friend, and together they form the Pudding Club, a sporadic gathering where they join in the heart of the woods and eat pudding cups. Sometimes it occurs during mid-day, sometimes in the middle of the night, nobody can know for sure when the next gathering will occur. Those mysterious Pudding Guys. Maki always has his spoon equipped with him, never knowing when the urge for pudding will strike.

He is selectively mute and will instant message his friends whenever he wants to talk (he is able to do this on a whim thanks to being a robot).

He will go critter-hunting in the woods as well, whether solo or with a friend or two. The owner of the wooded property has yet to catch Maki in the flesh. To the family that resides on the manicured other side, he is their real-life cryptid.