ENZO's Comments

Heya! i have this suit uft, he's MQ - HQ, fully lined, good vis + ventilation, and fits larger sized heads

has head, tail, paws, and armsleeves :)

could tailor the armsleeves to fit you as well if you're interested :) https://toyhou.se/17859979.arlo

hi! thanks but i’m not interested 

someone in my trade folder?

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i could do rave

also i’m trying to get rid of florence, so i could also take mixed offers cuz i really want him gone too 💀 

also i rlly liked cheeto (sorry for the spam) but i could do florence for cheeto+ https://toyhou.se/7623283.lf-art this dude

and i can offer rave for this tiger dude i’m commenting on? sorry for the spam btw  

also idk if there’s things you’re only strictly LF for cheeto so i’m sorry fi that’s unfair 😭!

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Is there any chance you'd accept art? if not, I can do USD :]

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oh awesome! lmk ^^

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ah, I can't do that atm, so sorry! thank you for letting me offer though! Have a good night/day :]

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Anyone in my Th interest you?

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Anyone in my sale folder interest you?

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Anyone in my th besides my off limits? I can trade multiple if needed :)

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Feel free to let me know who interested you as long as they are not any of my favs, truesona or mascots

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Oh :/ Well I guess if you ever change your mind about anyone outside those folders feel free to let me know, anyways ty for taking a look in the first place👍

Anyone in my th?

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It's ok thanks for looking though

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There anyone in my th u like

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I’m willing to part with raven

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