Donovan & Lychee



2 years, 7 months ago


Donovan Lychee


Name Donovan

Age 28

Gender Male

Orientation Aromantic

Occupation Graphic Designer

Theme Sneaky Devil


Name Lychee

Age 16+

Gender Female

Orientation Straight

Occupation Unemployed

Theme Indie Pop Type Beat


Type Romantic+Sexual

Length 5+ Years

Status Secretly dating

Met Discord

Living In Donovan's house

Theme Poster


Donovan grew only with his dad, his mom died while giving birth to him and his dad decided to work a lot to make enough money so Donovan can grow to be a normal kid which meant he was left alone at home a lot, he became independent very quickly and asked his dad to leave the house at the age of 16 to go live on his own, a year after he moved his dad put an end to his life after suffering from untreated depression. He gave Donovan all of his savings and Donovan started to learn graphic design online and became a graphic designer for streamers and a vtuber.

Lychee grew with two alcoholic parents that hit each other a lot, they curse at Lychee and blame her for their problems, when Lychee was around 10-16 she got into discord and met Donovan through a mutual server, they started talking and she never told him her age even when he told her his, a year after they started talking they started to secrectly date, she lied to Donovan about being 18 at the time which he found okay and didn't question her. Two years after that her dad passed away while he was drunk and her mom started to beat her and blame her for his death, Lychee ran away from home with only her phone and never came back, she took a train to the forest Donovan lives in and she met him there for the first time and stayed at his place to live there, her mom couldn't care less about her running off and continued to drink until she eventually died too. Lychee doesn't know her mom is dead.


Event One

First meeting on discord while Lychee was 10-16 and Donovan was 22.

Event Two

One year after they started talking they started dating secretly. Donovan was convinced Lychee was 18.

Event Three

Two years after they started dating Lychee's father passed away while he was drunk, her mother beat her up and blamed her which made Lychee run away from home to live with Donovan, her mom did not care about her and died a year later without Lychee knowing.




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  • While it might look like Donovan is a pedo, he is in fact not even interested in relationships but Lychee was the first person to ever make him feel special.
  • Lychee's real name is Lilac, but since that name passed down in her family she changed it to Lychee.
  • Lychee doesn't like Lychee fruit.
  • Although Donovan looks shady and abusive he is in fact very accepting and respecting.
  • Lychee was Donovan's only love and he truly believes she's special because he fell in love with her although he is aromantic and never felt feelings for anyone in the past.