


6 years, 7 months ago



【 Name 】 Maika
【 Age 】 18(WIP)
【 Gender 】 Female
【 Race 】 Life Elf
【 Alignment 】 tbd
【 Status 】 Adventurous
【 Theme 】 link a song

Loves exploring, meditating, and nature. She's a very independent and adventurous soul that likes getting out the door and finding the experiences she reads about in books. She's excitable and bubbly but generally pretty serious, in the way that she's just seriously interested in the world and living without regrets. She enjoys climbing trees, hiking, swimming, searching for objects of interest, and reading. Dialogue-wise, Maika is optimistic, inquisitive, likes learning new things, forward but cautious of politeness. She is very forward in her actions and words, and is extremely easy to read even when she becomes withdrawn or exaggerated in sadness or anger.


Basically grew up in a village with others of her kind, but similar to those with her culture, decided to go out on a meditative journey. Except she wasn't necessarily bent on the "becoming one with the world" incentive, more like she just wanted to see all the cool things in the world and meet new people and plants. Seeing which kinds of trees were the best to sleep in was pretty fun, too.


  • Doesn't tie shoe laces. Ever. She wears boots most of the time so they don't really get in the way, so she just doesn't think tying them is necessary
  • Her race's "life" attribute is more Tao life flow than plant nature life
  • If she's interested in someone, she will talk their ear off to learn absolutely anything about them

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