[Taken] Aska



6 years, 9 months ago



Design based/themed off of a shiny suicune, Ran tweaked him just right  ;v;   He was a birthday gift/custom so no he will not be for trade!

Age:   Unknown/He's lived a long time similar to Ash (another of my wildlings)


Species:   Wildling Unicorn


Clan:   Philoden


Occupation:  Wanderer/Healer/"Scholar" (Enjoys learning about everything he finds so that no situation is new to him)


Likes:     Purity first and foremost. Cleanliness, knowledge, journeying to other  lands, staying as unnoticed as possible as he sticks out like a sore  hoof with his fur and lack of tail. Being complimented for his knowledge  is a good way to get him to talk a little more or stick around though  he doesn't stay in one place for long.


Dislikes:    Anyone disapproving of his love for learning or insults toward his  general "nerdiness". Filth in general also puts him off highly as it is  the complete opposite of his purpose in life and makes his job more  difficult or taxing. Also dislikes getting into spats with wildlings but  WILL fight back fiercely if threatened, much like a dog protecting  itself.  

Personality:   Appears  cold and uncaring at times but is actually rather passionate about what  he does and will smile if proud or happy with someone (especially if he  sees them keeping the land clean in some way). He will also smile and  seem content and chatty if spreading or listening to knowledge about  something, he seems to have a love for learning. When frustrated he has a  tendency to roll his eyes, groan/growl, and/or bare his teeth in a  menacing way, lowering his stance to look sturdier and more ready to  fight. Prefers silence and quite over loud and overbearing.


More detailed info:
Aska  was born with more magic than wildlings are meant to contain, blessed  by the winter spirit and given the ability to purify water and heal life  to an extent. (he cannot resurrect stuff but if the thing is not fully  dead yet or has a fighting will still in it like a wildling flower he  can help it back to health with his magic) It does not appear as though  it works as well with other wildlings however, as it is meant more for  nature itself and not for those whom are not of the land itself, meaning  he CAN heal wildlings but he cant save them if they are already near  death, not without the help of an actual healer that owns bandages.  Aside from this point, he seems to refuse to heal anyone ANYWAY unless  they had proven themselves to him in some way as he has a distaste for  most wildlings unless they show the most delicate and loving care for  their land.

When he was young, foals used to be a little afraid  of him because of his strange glimmering fur but they came to adore it  over time and it didn't take long for him to become steadfast friends  with the other young ones, however it seemed for some reason he was  aging a tiny bit slower than them appearance wise and they would  eventually move on without him. His magic is plentiful, even showing  through his entire body as the glimmer and sparkles that dance around on  his soft fur, the magic being mostly based of highly concentrated  healing (he can purify water that's been completely riddled with filth  and murk along with freshen plants up again) and frosty ice magic which  he normally uses to create barriers or slippery traps.
His fighting  style is more witty than head on normally, he'll often plot out ways to  trick you into falling/slipping/crashing into things and so on, and  would rather deflect attacks back at the fighter over inflicting them  himself. There HAS been the rare occasion his mind may completely snap  from fury and he may throw chunks of pointed ice spires at you or ice  spires will shoot out of the ground, but normally when this happens if  he's tackled to the ground or someone he is familiar with calls to him  he can snap out of it.
He does regret ever doing this though if it  happens, it is something he hates himself for. He has a high distaste  for his short temper when it comes to that point.

Aska  constantly travels and tries to avoid being seen unless he walks up to  someone himself or walks into a clan (which happens, he visits all  clans), he doesn't particularly like people questioning why his fur  glimmers or why his magic seems so heightened, it weirds him out a  little.

Note:  When frustrated his fur gives off a chilly temperature that makes it hard to be around him if not covered in thick fur.

Extra note:   Will add more to this description later because I'm still planning out his actual backstory.

Paired with:   Rahaiel (EternaNyx's wildling)


Family:   ---