Marshall Castilo Velazquez



2 years, 6 months ago



Marshall Castillo Velazquez; a lazy-spirited attitude with painted nails and baggy hoodies galore.. His eyes are almost always half-lidded. This is definitely the kid who sits in the back of the class with a bag of takis, perfectly content to spend the entirety of the class period kept to himself- or not! He doesn't much care if you look his way or not, but, hey! Come over! He might just give you a taki if you do that sheet of math homework which was supposed to be finished three nights prior. He swears he was gonna do it, really-- but, well, one episode of the bachelorette became TWO, and two became THREE- and-- yeah, you get the point. Marshall was never really good at school, but who needs THAT? Right? RIGHT? Or, at least that's what he tries to convince himself. It's just easier to pretend you don't care, and, well, HE DOESN'T! He totally doesn't!

Rather than spend his time doing that silly busy work (the education system sucks anyways!), he explores the city, bringing back baked goods galore to split with his beloved mami, bought using the loose cash he found in his laundry that morning- SCORE. Marshall really is the epitome of "flying by the seat of your pants" in every sense of the phrase. He takes life as it goes, and then freaks the fuck out when it doesn't go the way he wants it to because of that. Like that time he tried to act all suave get that one guy's number and then he accidentally totally BLEW IT and oh my god.. He can never come out of the house AGAIN.. He should've just stuck to his dwindling social circle. But he's chill. He's fly. He's smooth.

In case it wasn't obvious, Marshall is not the confident cassanova he chalks himself up to be in his weakly structured jokes. Really, he's a bit of a mess. He has no idea of direction in his life. College? If you ask him about it, you'll be sure to get the stereotypical programmed response; "Yeah! I'm applying!" And then he takes one gap year. And then another. The truth? Gosh, all those applications, the money.. Did he.. Really need college? Everyone else was applying, but.. Eugh.. He doesn't even know where to start, where to go, HOW to start. And.. Moving away from his Mami? Leaving her alone? Nah, that wasn't an option. He's gotta take care of her. He's got responsibility! Right at home! In his comfy room, safe from the threat of instability and more academic disappointment.

  • shitty horror film enthusiast
  • freewheeling
  • secret hopeless romantic
  • e-boy wannabe
  • pastelitos <3
  • old things
  • empty cityscape (go on the merry-go-round at 3 am with him you WONT)
  • just hanging with the people he loves

An absent father, immigrated from Cuba when he was a baby. Now lives happily with his Mami and spends his days either with her or around the city.

  • Used to be a cry baby as a kid. When he was 6, he spotted an abandoned puppy in the city when he was out with his mami and cried until she let him take it. His name is Basura, and he's a very droopy bassett hound who is old and fat now.
  • Can't bake, but has a sweet tooth. (TAKES TOO MUCH TIME!) He always SAYS he's going to learn (Those croquetas.. 🤤) but he never does
  • Owns one of those teal mini-projectors that you see on instagram all the time. This is his favorite method of netflix.
  • Wants to get better at makeup. Never does. He's too self-conscious; what if he gets it wrong? He'll look like an IDIOT. He's too chill to be an idiot. (He wears eyeliner and nail polish at most).
  • Shitty horror movies are his faaaV. Sharknado? Put that shit ON!!! He calls them "hidden gems" (Through a shit-eating grin).

Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.

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