


2 years, 7 months ago



"Quote here..."
Name Dawnbreaker
Name Pronunciation --
Species Night-Sand-Hive tribrid
Age 14 years
Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Panromantic Polyamorous
Occupation Information Broker/???
Residence Somewhere within the jungles of Pantala
Status Alive and well
Design Notes
  • Sleek body- she shows little Nightwing traits physically.
  • The whites of her eyes are dark while the pupils are a near-white yellow.
  • Ask for colors!
  • Eyes can be drawn as rounded or sharp.
  • Claws are typically blunt.

While at first glance Dawnbreaker may seem shy and quiet, underneath hides a completely different dragon. But first, let's brush up on her personality externally before we delve into a much more complex mess.

To an outsider, she at first seems to be... reluctant to interact, at best. At worst, she may just avoid the newcomer entirely, and forced interactions often lead to her stumbling over her words. Yet, she is kind, helpful even, when she must interact-- if only because she's found that being kind often gets them out of your claws sooner, and doubles as a way of maintaining her image.

Underneath this, she is... well, she's actually rather cunning. This tribrid willingly approaches when she feels it it best, when she's best got a judge of their character, and will often try to... play into their expectations, or at least of those she's found to have garnered in her time. Wordplay and manipulation are often woven into her words, keeping her past a secret that's kept close to her chest.

Despite this, though, she cares surprisingly much for her romantic partners, rarely manipulating her words and letting the pretenses and her own goals fall away. In their presence, a honestly sweet dragon is revealed; one who worries much over the state of Pantala and Pyrrhia, one who tries to use any political gain of valuable information she's gotten to her advantage in making their world a better place.

  • Dawnbreaker commonly fidgets with her bracelet.
  • Her horn bands were a gift from her beloved.
  • She commonly ventures out for days on ends, documenting Pantala's wildlife.
  • Is surprisingly good with a sword, though her awkwardness would never have you believe such.
  • She is 1/2 Sandwing, 1/4th Nightwing, and 1/4th Hivewing.
  • She is a very distant descendant of Whiteout.
  • By Dawnbreaker's time, the books of the series are historical events as well as some parts being fables of which to tell children.
Items + Enchantments
Sunstone-Studded Bracelet
A silvery bracelet studded with sunstones, worn on the right arm. Enchanted with the wording, "While I wear this bracelet, I cannot cast magic. This bracelet will not break, nor will I be able to remove it by my own means. No one will remember I am an animus once it is put on. No one from Pyrrhia will remember me once it is put on."
Horn Bands
Metal of a dark color, spiraling around the main set of horns. Dangling from each is a zircon of yellow color.
Leather Bag
A bag made of a darker leather. A strap is attached to it, and wraps it around her neck. The strap can hold other items as well. Currently carrying; Canteen, ten days rations. 


A regular canteen. Enchanted to fill with water upon saying, "Just a drop, if you mind."


An ornate-looking blade of swirling silver and white, a large sunstone embedded in its hilt. Enchanted with the wording, "This sword will be indestructible and will always come to me when called after it is tapped on the hilt by my claw." Upon saying its name, the sword will appear beside the owner, within grasping range.

One of many children of a former tyrannical ruler of the Sand Kingdom, Dawnbreaker had many expectations set upon her shoulders. The pressure of ruling, of ascending to take the throne, were often pushed upon the princesses by her mother in an effort to continue an iron rule over the Sand and Night kingdoms. She was schooled in the art of manipulation, of tactics both on the battlefield and of the courtroom. And, in a way, she did learn much from her mother; learned how to best avoid the very thing she was pushed towards. But she could keep a secret, and kept it well she did. Dawnbreaker had inherited animus magic; or, rather, one of her sisters had enchanted her to take her magic, avoiding less responsibility and pressuring, and intending to shove it onto the then-youngest sister.

For a long time, Dawnbreaker, as well as a majority of her family, did not realize she had such magic. She had many a hunch, however-- the slightest tingling of claws, the way certain things seemed to bend around her will. It remained this way until one day of wishing to get as far away from the kingdom as she possibly could, worded in just the right manner by a very bored dragonet who, by then, was nearing adulthood. The then-young dragonet was thrust out into the world as a consequence-- onto a completely different continent, far away from her former troubles. Specifically, the harsh jungles of Pantala.

Needless to say, one set of problems had certainly been avoided. Another set, however, had just begun to arise.


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