Lady Sandstorm



2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Lady Sandstorm

Pronouns: She/her

Tribe(s): Sandwing

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: Might be around 100. Status of living is unknown.

Personality: Very secretive, and liked to present herself as a cunning know-it-all. But deep down inside she was just a romantic with a lot of bubbly feelings that she felt like she couldn’t really express. Black sheep of the family.

Backstory: Supposed sister to the Sandwing Queen, rumored to have run away with one of the remaining Icewing Royalty. Icewings are far and few between in my OCverse, their kingdom decreasing heavily over time and being essentially shut out from the rest of the tribes. No Icewing ever leaves the kingdom, and usually the only dragons who end up leaving are hybrid children who want to run away.

Anyways, back to Lady Sandstorm. All rumors about her being with the Icewings are heavily shut down around the Sandwing Kingdom, and the members of the kingdom are forced to question the existence of a possible “Lady Sandstorm”, being told things like “But the Queen has no siblings! There’s no Lady Sandstorm!” Because of things like this, her age and living status are unknown.

Despite rumors in the kingdom being banned, word still does get around. Lots of others believe that the reason that hybrids have been coming out more has to do with Sandstorm, proclaiming that she’s letting the tribes mingle.

Residence: Unknown, rumored to be in the Icewing Kingdom