Vinnie Willusim



2 years, 7 months ago


Basic Info
Vinnie Willusim
Jan 17th
Tattoo artist
Blood Type
  • Other artists
  • Having a purpose.
  • Getting to goof around
  • Warm sunny grass patches
  • Authorities/authoritarian figures
  • Unnecessary critics
  • Small spaces
  • Whistles
  • The bow on their head is their hair. They get up early to style it.
  • They've never cut their hair once in their life, it's well over 5 ft long.
  • A snow globe with a family photo is their most cherished item.
  • They made their arm themself! (talked about in bio)

Vinnie is an overly impulsive and overly friendly individual. They have very little concept of personal space and it shows. Their over friendliness can come off as intrusive if they get too ahead of themselves but worry not. They're very good at taking correction. Vinnie's an incredibly good listener and they back off when told. They really do appreciate when people correct them as social cues aren't its specialty. Being so high in energy does make it hard for them to relax in group settings, they are a people pleaser at heart and can get antsy doing nothing. In one on one settings it's much easier to mellow out and relax. Just don't be surprised if you see them jumping out of the spaceship on impulse at some point. dumbass.


WARNING FOR: gang relations, child abuse (physical and sexual), motor accidents, extreme violence

Vinnie was taken from their parents due to neglect at age 5, they were placed with two lesbians and another young child. Their new parents names were Sarah and West, the young child's name was Ollie.

Vinnie was very attached to Ollie and grew up being a defensive lil shit over him. Ollie got bullied a lot, while Vin would start fights over it. Eventually Vin started to behave recklessly in order to get the bullies attention. They'd make stupid mistakes and found it drew attention away from Ollie

So, soon enough, Vinnie stopped fighting back and let the bullies beat on them to spare Ollie. Sometimes this didn't work and they'd have to rush out to the courtyard to drag people off of him anyhow.

During school while they weren't being beat up or protecting Ollie, they were studying art for the most part. body art in specific! Always drawing on their arms with markers or pens they got quite good at what they did. The few kids who didn't avoid Vinnie (as well as Ollie) got little makeshift art drawn occasionally.

Vinnie eventually caught the attention of some pretty bad people, the group sent a child their age to talk Vinnie into joining their group. That group manipulated it into acting as a messenger for dangerous acts. They promised Vinnie protection for their family. Eventually it was absorbed further into the group and beaten for failures there too. They'd been shot several times for failures or giving too much information.

This gang had two leaders, one was a man named ‘King’ and the other was a woman who went by ‘Jewel’.

One particular task King would give them on multiple occasions was to get close to someone and then kill them while their back was turned. Vinnie was just a kid, that made it incredibly easy for them to talk people into helping and turn on them. The real problem came with following through. They just. Couldn't pull the trigger. Jewel liked Vinnies attitude and offered to help with these outings. She made Vinnie follow her and watch her flirt with/make moves on targets. She watched from closets as they got close, once the deed was done she'd pull a gun or knife and end the individual.

Vinnie asked how Jewel wanted them to do this.. seeing as how Vinnie was just a kid, and also not a girl. Jewel simply encouraged that ‘she’ at least try.

However the next attempt at murder ended in a full breakdown costing one of the gang members their life.

Soon enough, someone better came along to replace Vinnie. They couldn't risk their groups info getting out so.. On their last confrontation, King pulled a gun on Vinnie. He was gonna just end them there but with a reputation as big as his? He wasn't going to settle for something small.

He had two of his members grab Vinnie. A third was to throw a bag over their head so they can proceed. Vinnie put up a huge fight for someone so (at the time,) small. They'd managed to swipe a gun off one of their old friends among the members and fired off enough shots to make people back off momentarily.

Aiming it at King, he motioned for people to stop their actions. Vinnie started yelling and shrieking at King, demanding that they were to be let go. After a very long and winded tangent, the last thing to greet their eyes was the fabric of a bag being tightly yanked around their head. They were out shortly after.

Vinnie was then thrown into the back of a car, driven miles out of town, and tossed in front of a train.

Obviously Vinnie didn't die, their arm was severed and it was hours before they managed to crawl into public and receive medical attention. From there on they had a choice, they knew if they went back to their family that they would get hurt if vinnie was seen alive. So they left, they ran away and found a workshop owner willing to take them in for a while. Said workshop owner had a mechanics shop, vinnie fucking sucked at metal shop with one arm. They'd still act like a moron since it was all they knew and god did that cause a lot of screw ups. The shop keep was a patient individual but even this was starting to cost them. Setting Vinnie down, the keep taught them how to make blue prints. They designed an arm as their first project and were not allowed to touch any metal whatsoever.

2 weeks later and Vinnie had their prosthetic arm, it was basic but functional! Though it short circuited sometimes and caused a bit of a mess. This left them to spend hours on their own studying tech and fixing it.

Eventually they altered their arm into a tattoo mechanic and pursued their dream. The shop keep encouraged them and voila. Within a year they were scouted out to join hopes peak for their outstanding tattoo work. They were able to complete even the most complex tattoos with no mistakes, no errors made on the most fidgety of clients. Nothin!

Now they just hope that one day they can go back to their family.

Ollie | Adopted brother

Vinnie's younger brother. They love him with every fiber of their being and miss him dearly. They hope he's doing alright, and that they'll meet again one day.

Koshiro Matsuyama | Adopted brother-close friend

A strange boy Vinnie met onboard DRSS, they grew fond of him and the two became very close friends. They're not entirely sure what to call him. Either way, Vinnie holds no blame in their heart for their own death due to his actions. They'll continue to love and trust Koshiro in the afterlife.

Name | Relationship

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