


2 years, 7 months ago


"Shh. No more cries."
Starset - Everglow
Gamma Velorum
Dec 23
Male leaning
Purplish grey
Bow and Lance
God of Stars

Once the God of Stars, now just a silent observer. Tired of the constant emptyness of the starry sky, he descended from his heavenly domain so he could spend time among mortals.

Velorum travels from place to place, never really sticking to one spot. Likes to spend a lot of time in nature as the small sounds bring him peace, so you often find him around forests or old ruins; he's fascinated with the traces of bygone ages. Mainly awake during night time, as he likes to gaze upon his own creations which light up the dark sky.

Introvert Extrovert
Irrational Logical
Passive Assertive
Serious Playful
Spiteful Kind
Pessimistic Optimistic

Velorum likes to keep his distance; he's not too familiar with how to socalize after spending so much time alone among the stars. His main reason to descend and leave his creations behind was the fact that he was tired of solitude. Hoping to find new companions, he's trying his best to communicate but it's not surprising if he comes off cold or unfriendly. Not too talkative and sometimes speaks in weird phrases, but he's always here to listen to anything you have to say. He gets easily tired of those who are too energetic or loud, but is trying his best. Feel free to approach him, he enjoys getting to know new faces.

  • Hydrangeas
  • Sound of nature
  • Old churches
  • Crowds
  • Summer
  • Being alone
  • He's not as strong as he was since he decided to live among mortals, but still can create smaller stars if he wishes
  • Dislikes getting wet as it not only messes up his fur, but it also dissolves his clouds
  • Unfamiliar with slangs or modern phrases, but will act like he knows what you're talking about


