Ophie (Uphie)



An AU where Ophie gets infected by the spoopy flower. :)

In Aftermath, there's a weird parasite created by an alien flower that, when threatened, becomes a weird centipede-like creature. It atacks everything that's alive, especially those capable of mantain it safe: like humans. Humans have infinite resources, food, water and coverage; it's more than obvious they'll choose humans over anything. However, the flower not ALWAYS choose their body for the way of getting the parasite is from cadavers as they lay eggs in the body before dying. Fucking gross. So if you eat it or touch it you'll more likely get the parasite, sorry. They grow along the spine and takes over the muscles and strengthen them up; the limbs gets a darken-charcoal color showing how much energy the parasite is trying to give, however that means that the unafortunate one is more hungry. The afected will sleep longer, eat more (even raw meat) and be more sensitive to loud noises, besides, they'll grow horns and a tail coming directly from the parasite from the spine. Gross x2. There's no cure, yet.

She calls herself Uphie. She is somewhat ashamed of use her original name as many memories are tangled with it. She'll respond at Ophie, anyways. However will not stand to be called Aylen (middle names are used in a respectful way or for important events).

Uphie's still a cheerish person, though somewhat corrupted. For those who had known her say that interacting with Uphie is kind off uncanny; it's her but not really so her friends drifted away. The parasite tries to keep´her busy, naturally deleting her memories, but Uphie keeps going back to those and gets angry. Eventually, the parasite stops trying because Uphie isolates and get stronger. The parasite tries to avoid the human to remember the past of they'll try to remove the parasite or kill themselves.

Uphie lost most of her humanity, her actions are more feral-like; tends to walk in four legs. Has full control over her tail. The dark limbs mean how healthy she is— if the black get to the sholders means that the parasite is in danger and has to make the arm stronger. Basically, the parasite strengthen the muscules up! Every different parasite has different horn(s) and tail.

In one version of the AU, she lives with Alpha who takes care of her. But in the AU of the canon version (bear with me), she stays with Payton trying to find a cure (taking Paper's part in the canon).

The rest of the details are better as a secret ;) I just enjoy drawing her akdksj.