Betty Arias



2 years, 10 months ago



LAST SEEN 12/25/2019

describe image

Benedetta Arias

age 20 years
height 5 FT/ 3 CM
pronouns she/her
hair Red
eyes Brown
gender Female
species Satyr
nickname Betty


Short in stature, her head of red hair really does make it hard to style as it is both textured AND gets caught between her horns often. as a Satyr, she often gets odd looks as there are only so many left on Ara. Either people are weird to her in being overly nice and fscinated, or disgusted. Honestly she's just done with that as a whole.


Practical and mature, that doesn't mean that Betty is a bore. She balances a fine line between fun and cautious. Id anything, she is the motherly type that ends up putting her needs at the very end of her long list of things that she takes care of.

She views the world under a kind of scope, taking in the refractions of possibilities and yet picking things apart. She doesn't have everything under control but she is logical and that's going really well for her! Stubborn, she refuses to give up whenever things get tough. She is really good at keeping a smile on her face, so it makss you wonder how she's actually feeling sometimes...


Academically gifted, like her brother, Betty has been at the very top since she was little. Parttaking in science faires, she hosts the robotics club and is very avid in the field of STEM. She aspires to be an engineer, and thankdully this comes from a place of interest and desire. Knowing it will make enough money, she can move out with Vy and live comfortably.


She doesn't blame Vy for it one bit, thoughat age 4 her whole life ended up flipping on her hesd when Vy was born. A little brother. She was excited and still loves him to this day, however his birth did create a feud between their parents, the father accusing the mother of cheating as Vy was the odd one.

Things weren't terrible at first, but as you can tell- things didn't end well before she went missing. Mr. and Mrs. Arias have evolved into the neglectful, spiteful parents that they should have never devolved into. Unable to divorce, this stressful household was created. Betty does what she can to take care of herself and Vy.


  • Coffee
  • STEM
  • Chips


  • Burnt food
  • Metalic smell
  • Summer temperature


  • Both her parents are satyrs.
  • Her bad eyesight is genetic, though has worsened due to doing work in the dark.
  • She's really bad at drawing and has really bad handwriting.

Design Notes

  • Hair is always tied back from not really wanting to style it.
  • Horns curl back.
  • Does NOT wear shoes, in fact she typially sticks to skirts.

Vy Arias

As his older sister, Betty cares a lot about Vy, especially since their parents are more neglectful of him. She does her best to raise him and to take him out of the house if stuff is... happening. These two are family, as family as it can get with two parents who don't even want to be here for either of them anymore.


Otis Holt

Otis is somewhat of a savior to Vy, and she's very grateful that these two met. She knows how close these two are and she knows that Vy is in good hands with him around. He can restore some sense of Vy's childhood, she is glad, Betty thinks Otis is a good kid.


Olive Holt

These two are good friends, their two younger brothers are best friends too? It's perfect! Not only that but Olive is someone that she can confide in about her doubts and fears. It took a while for these two to become friends but Betty is glad.

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