🌠Illana's Comments

i have offer anyon in my usd folder , second mains, and needs refs other than tb and djall

I didn't see anyone I'd use but I appreciate the offer. <3

anyone in my TH catch your eye?

Were you still interested in trading?

hi there sorry i needed some time to think about the swap. and i dont quite feel comfortable swapping thalia for them

No worries, thank you for letting me know so I can make them available again. <3

This user's account has been closed.

Yes, I am considering trades.

This user's account has been closed.

I didn't see anyone but I appreciate the offer~ <3

Is this still open for trade offers? ouo'

Yes, they are available for trade.

I offer anyone in my TH then! ^^

I don't see anyone I'd use but thank you for the offer. <3

Darn TwT

I has more to offer now? quq

No one caught my eye.

1 Replies