


6 years, 9 months ago


Designation: Sprocket

Nicknames: Shortstack, 'Rocket

Pronouns: He/him

Frame-Type/Subspecies: War Frame | MiniCon

Former Faction: AutoBot

War Function: Frontliner Weapon

Current Function: Courier Bodyguard

Alternate Mode: Attachable Cannon

Age: Approximated to be equal to 36 human years

Height: 9 ft.

Weapons: N/A, only weapon is his alt.

I.D.: MC-33903

Voice Actor: Chris Evans

Conjunx Endura: N/A, but is 'dating' Solarstrike

Amica Endura: N/A

Other Information:
-Can be really over-trusting of new mecha. During the war, it almost got him killed on more than one occassion. 

    -He and Solarstrike would trust one another with their lives. Sprocket now even works as Solar's bodyguard when he delivers messages and items in the Iacon area.

    -He can move in cannon mode. It is kind of a slow, awkward waddle, so it is more affective to have him attached to someone/thing. Usually, he is mounted to the back of Solar's vehicle mode. 

    -Solar calls him Shortstack lovingly, and he calls Solar Wingnut in return. :I

    -Glad the war is over, though has a tendency to be bitter toward ex-'Cons. Solar has been trying to break him of this bitterness.