


9 years, 6 months ago


This character will never be for sale/trade - so don't bother.

OLD FLAME AWARD by cinnabutt  (2012)


:bulletwhite:Name: Rita
:bulletwhite:Age: Adult
:bulletwhite:Breed: Hybrid of a Fox and a Ferret.
:bulletwhite:Gender: Female

:bulletwhite:Personality: Jolly, kind-hearted, adventurous, bold, rash, protective and a mother hen.
- Rita does everything whole heartedly! She is very adventurous, and loves seeing new things!
- She is very sweet and kind-hearted, but it takes very little to make her mad or piss her off - momma's not mad, but disappointed.
- She has a tendency to worry about others, and will go total mother hen on people and fuss over them.
- She will only act silly around people she trusts, but she can be quite playful and a total goofball once you earn said trust!

:bulletwhite:Likes: Cold weather, fall colors, playing in leaves, being outdoors and exploring, meeting new people.
:bulletwhite:Dislikes: The dark, gore, loud noises, sour and spicy things, feeling like she's not in control, being constricted and being told what to do.

:bulletwhite:Other Info: 
- She is an omnivore, and chews on almost everything.
- She likes to act all goofy and cuddly, and loves to curl up in tons of blankets to go to sleep.

ENJOY! and feel free to comment! C:

Art and Rita (c) :iconseffiron: