Static Jolt



2 years, 10 months ago


Extremely resilient, quick-witted, observant
Impulsive, aggressive, a liar
Mental Age
11435 pounds
Robot exterminator/combat unit

It's unknown where Static Jolt came from or who he was built by, a detail that he refuses to give out to anyone, no matter their status. He appears to have been made solely for the purpose of causing as much damage and taking out as many robots as possible, costing hundreds of thousands in damages and putting several working robots out of commission. Not much is known about him publicly because of his habit of going into hiding for many weeks at a time before running rampant in whichever city he pleased. He doesn't seem to follow any law of robotics, as despite humans not being his main focus he will target them if a civilian ends up in his way or annoys him in some capacity. Overall, humans are safer around Static than robots, but its not by much. In a few specific instances, instead of going on his usual impulsive rampages, he has traveled straight to significant, more expensive machines that are essential for powering or running major cities. He's caused mass power outages and some local governments have resorted to keeping their high profile expensive robots hidden from the public because of these outbursts.

His main ability is using electricity to flow out onto the heavy blades onto each of his arms, using these to hack into robots and cause them to fry from the extremely high voltage. His blades have been known to dig into even the toughest robotic exteriors. His secondary weapon is the speakers on his shoulders and chest, which are specialized in tuning to a very specific frequency capable of scrambling a robot's wiring beyond repair in a proximity of 10 meters. A robot with high defense will be able to resist the sound waves. However, any humans' skulls within 15 meters will pop upon hearing Static's frequency for over 10 seconds. The effects of his weapon remain effective at further distances, just at a lower scale. He's extremely efficient at utilizing these abilities to their fullest extent, and is relatively quick on his feet despite his large stature.


- It's not impossible for him to befriend a human or robot, but because genuine emotion is something he has a hard time grasping its very unlikely and difficult. 

- He sometimes rarely steals things for himself for no other purpose other than enjoying whatever he stole. Such as junk food or something he finds to be visually interesting.

- He enjoys loud music and can indeed play it through his weaponized speakers.