Rayne Bowie



2 years, 7 months ago



Name: Rayne Bowie 


Season 4: 21 

Season 5: 24 

Sex: Pans 

Pronouns: He/Him 

Dragon Type: Air 

Height (Human): 2m (6’6 ft) 

Height (Dragon): 6.1m ( 20 ft) 

Strength: 10/20 +0 

Dexterity: 15/20 +2 

Constitution: 10/20 +0 

Intelligence: 20/20 +5 

Wisdom: 20/20 +5 

Charisma: 15/20 +2 

Personality: He’s cautious and kind, tries not to be a burden and likes to have meaningful talks with strangers. intelligent but doesn’t let it show up anyone in company. He is always calm despite being very stern with himself. Almost as if he tries to father everyone, including himself. When he meets an equal, he isn't quite sure what to do.

Occupation: Crystals Mentor/Traveller

Backstory: Orphan raised by Flinders Acetate, got into acting and because rather famous as a child star. When he was 10 he got cursed by a random shadow dragon who we all know and was blinded, slime and moss growing over his skin. He spent the rest of his life seeking out magicians and sorcerers until he had enough skill to fix his curse. Spoiler: Hes still looking. Three years ago he joined Arctic to help train Crystal in the most important aspects of Magic, yet struggles with trying to be true to himself. He also fights an inner battle not to lose his morality in the search for a cure to his curse. He sees the same happening with Crystal but has not been able to stop/help her yet. He went to a ball and for some reason decided to cast a spell to give him back his sight, completely blowing his ego up. He overextending himself during the epic battle following the ball and was kidnapped by the same enchanter that cursed him in the first place, leaving a false note to explain his absence. He remains unlocated

Family Members: 

Flinders Acetate (Adoptive Fire Dad) 

Love interest: 


[When A Travelling Beggar] Ragged clothes that exaggerate a stoop, wears a strip of cloth over his eyes so people don’t see he’s blind. always covered in mud and slime and moss, you can’t even make out features beneath it and he can never wash it off. Always carries his stick. He has moss growing in his unshaven beard and all over his back, arms and boots. He looks like a mossy log. He cant transform to dragon because he is blind and will crash into things.

[When in the castle] A version of Ice Palace servants uniform, in royal blue. He has an illusion that makes him appear normal, without the mud and blindfold, but he still smells and leaves a trail of dirt so it isnt very useful up close.

[Dragon Form] Typical air dragon except the front of his mane curls forwards and all his scales are a horrible mouldy colour, with moss and flowers growing in tangled vines and clumps all over his wings and back. Blindfold

Preferred weapon: Long wooden staff imbued with magical properties like sensing danger and obstacles for him. Spells, duh

Aleria Link: https://aleria-the-dragon-rp.fandom.com/wiki/Rayne_Bowie