


2 years, 7 months ago


— NAME: Lucio⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ABOUT:
16 ┊ Male [ he.they ] ┊ Ace+Pan ┊5th ring - Tetspenburg

— Constantly misjudged for his sort of frail looking stature and small body, the one thing Lucio is absolutely tired of is people assuming he's not strong enough to handle things by himself. Maybe that's why he always agrees to all of Avners stupid ideas ?
⠀Despite being the oldest of the group, Lucio always ends up listening to his younger best friend more than his own intuition. Due to this, they all end up getting into heaps of trouble with teachers and their parents. But that's what makes their time together so fun ! Even though he is seen as a kid with a good head on his shoulders, Lucio enjoys much more to just goof off on the top of the wall or playing video games rather than hitting the books, much to the distaste of his parents.


╰ Avner: Lucios best friend who feels more like his younger brother. The two had been friends for the longest time and have practically made each others homes their own. Avner often comes to Lucio to help with homework - not to do it, but to help him actually focus on it. Even though Avner can sometimes take advantage of the fact that Lucios a year older, Lucio knows that Avner would never actually do anything to harm them. It's not an uncommon occurrence for Avner to sneak into Lucios room late at night for a sudden sleep over. Often times the two would spend nights planning wild plans and ideas, only for none of them to actually happen. But that's just how the two have fun.

╰ Avery: Another very close friend, though definitely moreso because of association with Avner. She's less chaotic than her brother, but that doesn't make her any less troublesome. In fact, most fights in the area are caused because of hers and some other groups' graffiti war. So even though he can always count on Avery to help him persuade her older brother out of doing something, he cannot in fact let his guard down around her either as she's also chock full of bad ideas. Lucio really does admire Avery, both in her artistic abilities and her ability to match her brother while still keeping a more leveled head.

╰ Kilian: Lucio was probably the first to trust Kilian when they offered the group help. Generally, Lucio never sensed any malicious intent from him [ even if he was very wrong in his intuitions many times ], because of it, he and Kilian managed to bond quite a bit throughout their stay with him. Most of the time the two would talk about random TV shows that the two loved to indulge themselves in or random hypothetical questions that would give light to multiple day long conversations. But even though he finds Kilian rather pleasant, Lucio can't help but feel like he's too childish at times.