


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Valentina
Nickname(s): Val or Vale
Language(s): English and french
Gender: Female
Species: Lake monster humanoid
Weapon(s): TBD
Hobby(ies): Music and splash art
Special Item(s): 2 plushies and Orion
Likes: Swimming, Chocolate, Rain, water
Dislikes: Being lost, Thunder, Yelling, Warm weather
Fear(s): Thunder and fire
Flaws: Always forgetting to sleep, Always bitting her hands, letting herself being treated badly.
Valentina and her siblings, the twins, Ethan and Daniel, were created in a lab ran by Waylen. Waylen ran this lab in order to created super soldiers in return for power and profit, but when he saw Valentina, Ethan, and Daniel, he decided to take them in, as he always wanted children and they were some of the nicer experiments to come out. Aside from his business bringing in money and keeping him in a position of power, now it also served as a way to protect his family. When he learned that Valentina was blind he had Orion, a snake like dragon, to guide and protect her. Valentina and the twins were raised at Waylen's home, very rarely allowed back at the lab, and it was seldom that they could interact with the other experiments. Valentina, on account on her blindness and the limited time she spends there, thinks the lab is a far nicer facility then it actually is. Even the twins who can see, though we're only there as long as she was, think that they have a better understanding of the experiments living conditions, causing them to think they are superior to Valentina. Although they also have no clue as to how dark their father's work is and none of them are fully aware of the purposes behind it. Despite this though, they do feel some sympathy for the experiments.
Orientation: Pan
Relationship: TBD
Fathers: Waylen(Dead)
Adopted fathers: Nope
Mothers: None
Adopted mothers: None
Brothers: Ethan and Daniel(Alive)
Adopted brothers: None
Sisters: None
Adopted sisters: None
Height: 5,2
Weight: 100