Buck Matthews (AU | War Paint Demon)




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Name Montana "Buck" Matthews
Alias' Buck, Bucky, Mr. Matthews
Gender Male
Species War Paint Demon
Region of Origin Treachery

gruff . independent . cynical

voice claim idk

some things to note;
- this man is short but don't mention it to him jfc
- nicknames are for close friends o n l y- Buck doesn't count bc that's what he goes by
- he's a s i m p for self sufficiency; if you're independent, capable, and can maybe throw him on his ass he'll respect the hELL out of you
- stubborn as all
- holds tf out of grudges
- has a pretty cringe obsession with cool knives
- a massive massive pessimist like good lord man give it a break
- guilty pleasure is the way his spurs jangle when he walks


does he only have one horn bc I cannot struggle through drawing both every time- yes

grew up in the Treachery region, currently lives in Greed for the easy pickin’s, but generally he's mobile in an attempt to avoid the bounty on his head skjghkdj

theme song but not voice claim i dont think bc it aint accented enough haha

he goes by 'buck matthews' or buck or matthews most of the time
alternate names include mister matthews, bucky, and montana on occasion only call him monty if you want to tick him off though haha he gets annoyed with it fast

his voice gets sO deep when he's upset skdjfgh

cheek scar is a bullet 'graze'
stomach scar is a knife wound
shoulder scar is from someone's nmf or somethin idk
tbd how he lost his horn though ugh

his gun models until i can get a real reference out lmao

Outlaw blood and a restless weary soul.

HTML by lowkeywicked