


2 years, 7 months ago



  • Name Crest Jetflame
  • Nickname Crest
  • Age 19
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/They
  • Theme Leather Rebel
  • Sexuality Lesbian
  • Ethnicity German
  • Occupation Athlete & Musician
  • Residence Inkopolis

Crest is an octoling from Octo Valley. She fled to Inkopolis when she was a teenager, where she met her current girlfriend, Remix. She's a guitarist and a singer in the band Manic Subtidal.

Crest is hot-headed. She has a drinking problem and tends to get aggressive towards people she doesn't like. She's quite sweet to her loved ones, however, and would do anything to protect them.


  • Heavy metal
  • Ranked battles
  • Winning
  • Pizza
  • Showing off


  • Fruitcake
  • Sleeping in
  • Losing
  • Hangovers
  • Haircuts


  • Playing guitar
  • Working out
  • Performing
  • Playing turf war
  • Clubgoing


  • Strong
  • Buff
  • Dependable
  • Loyal
  • Courageous


  • Heavy drinker
  • Dosn't understand technology
  • Hot-headed
  • Reckless
  • Argumentative


  • Getting splats
  • Downing entire drinks in one go
  • Wining fights
  • Taking hits
  • Getting kicked out of establishments
  • Hair Purple/Long
  • Eyes Pale Yellow
  • Skin Pale
  • Marks Scar on back of left shoulder
  • Height 5'10"
  • Weight 160lbs*
  • Body Muscular
  • Clothing Punk

Crest has pale skin and yellow eyes. She has many piercings in her ears, one in her lip, and one in her septum. They also have a bellybutton piercing. She has 5 tentacles, (Sorry) one across her forehead, two on the side of her head, and two in the back that're usually tied into a ponytail. Their ears are scarred due to them being shaped into a faux inkling ear when Crest was younger.

Crest is muscular, she has a visible 6 pack and built arms and legs. They have a small scar on the back of their left shoulder. Her fingers are sharpened, except for those on her right hand. Their fingertips are also stained a maroon and light purple color. Crest has a nautical star tattoo on their left wrist, as well as a tattoo of a nautilus with a broken shell, and Judas Priest's logo both on her left arm.

*Adjusted to compensate for cartilage. Would be 185 with bones.


Crest was born in Octo Valley to her mother, Oli. Oli became an alcoholic when she was a few years old, and stopped being the loving mother she used to be when Crest was small.

Crest joined the octarian army at a young age. She was a strong soldier, and was glad to have an income and a place to get away from her mother.

When Crest was a young teenager, The New Squidbeak Splatoon raided Octo Valley to retrieve the zapfish. Crest, unaware that the zapfish belonged to the inklings, thought that they were simply cruel, unjust creatures, and so she began to fear them.

After the domes were raided, Octavio was defeated by the NSS’ Agent 3, and Crest, having been present at the fight, was freed by the Calamari Inkantation.

She ran to the surface without her mother, and was alone on the streets. They had nowhere to go, no friends, and no family. Her paranoia was increasing, as she now lived in Inkopolis. Out of fear and desperation, she sliced her ears in an attempt to make them look more like Inkling’s.

Crest eventually had to turn to theft to survive, as they had no money and couldn’t speak Inklish. It wasn’t long before they started stealing alcohol as well, and soon they weren’t able to go without it. This went on for years. They were sent to juvy several times, but everything changed one night.

Crest was sitting in an alleyway, when a certain jellyfish girl ran into the space. She was crying and looked like a mess, and didn’t notice Crest at first. She was startled when Crest started speaking, but was able to understand them completely. They spoke for a bit, until the jellyfish girl got a look at Crest, and then, without warning, asked if they wanted to come with her. Crest felt as if they had nothing better to do, and decided to go with the stranger.

The jellyfish, Remix, as Crest soon found out, let them move in with her. Crest worked at Grizzco for a bit to help with rent, but also picked up the hobby of playing guitar. They and Remix eventually started a little band together, which now consists of 4 people. The pair also started dating. They still live in the same apartment, and are very close.


  • Is ambidextrous.
  • Always wakes up early.
  • Birthday is March 17th.
  • Has a very high pain tolerance and often gets hurt without realizing it.
  • Has a genetic mutation that allows her to have 5 tentacles instead of the usual 4.
  • Is banned from Makomart.
  • Her eyebrow slit is actually from a guitar string mishap.
  • Is double jointed in the arms.
  • Remix calls them 'mi alma'
  • Relationship Girlfriend

Crest and Remix are inseparable. They've been together since they were teenagers and have been there for each other through many ups and downs.

  • Relationship Bandmate

Crest and Eden met after Eden responded to a paper Crest stapled to a tree, asking for a bassist to join their band. Eden joined and the two became pretty solid friends.

  • Relationship Bandmate

Crest and Josh met in a hardware store randomly one day. They invited Josh to their band once they learned that he was a drummer. The two get along fairly well, although Josh hates seeing her and Remix smooching during rehearsal.


  • Relationship Best friend

Crest and Dex consider themselves to be good friends, but Dex tends to lead Crest to making bad decisions. Whenever they hang out he tends to pressure her into drinkng, which Remix then has to deal with.